What Is Acute Bronchitis?

February 1, 2024

by  | Feb 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is much more common and contagious, while chronic bronchitis is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that is much more common among those who smoke.

Acute bronchitis is one respiratory illness to watch out for during flu season and as mutations of the COVID-19 virus continue to spread.

What Exactly Is Acute Bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is a contagious viral infection that causes inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tubes, which are the airways into the lungs. When these tubes get infected, they swell and thick mucus forms inside them. This narrows the airways, making it harder to breathe. A cough develops as the body tries to dispel the mucus.

Most cases of acute bronchitis improve within two weeks though the nagging cough can last for up to eight weeks.

Acute Bronchitis Symptoms

  • Chest congestion or tightness
  • Cough that brings up clear, yellow, or green mucus
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches

What Are the Causes of Acute Bronchitis?

Often, acute bronchitis is caused by contagious viruses, usually the same ones that cause the common cold and the flu. When the virus is first introduced to your body, it affects the nose, sinuses, and throat. Then, the infection travels to the lining of the bronchial tubes. As your body fights the virus, swelling occurs, and mucus is produced.

Since most acute bronchitis cases are caused by viruses, antibiotics will not help, and the virus will need to run its course. The viruses that cause acute bronchitis are spread through the air when people cough, and through physical touch such as a handshake. Washing your hands often and using alcohol-based hand sanitizer can help reduce exposure to the viruses that can make you sick and there are things you can do at home to ease acute bronchitis symptoms.

Home Remedies

  • Drink fluids but avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce inflammation, ease pain, and lower your fever. These could include acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin to a child. It has been linked to Reye syndrome, which can affect the liver and brain.
  • Increase the humidity in your home or use a humidifier.

Dealing with a bout of acute bronchitis? Do not hesitate to contact our AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte team today if you have any questions or need additional medical care.

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