When is the Appropriate Time to Get an STD Test?

January 5, 2021

" STD is short for sexually transmitted diseases. As the name implies, they spread through sexual intercourse and sexual contact. STDs don’t always have visible symptoms. Nevertheless, you might experience some mild symptoms. Hence, you should opt for frequent STD testing if you have sexual intercourse with multiple partners. STDs are curable and preventable diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can be viral, fungal, or bacterial in nature. They include conditions like gonorrhea, hepatitis, HIV AIDs, and ...

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Does COVID-19 spread through the air?

November 15, 2020

" The surprising presence of the COVID-19 virus has shaken us all up this year. Luckily, scientists are working hard to learn more about the virus, how it spreads, and how to stay safe. Recently it’s been discovered that COVID-19 might be spread through the air. Keep reading to learn more about how the virus works and how you can protect yourself from it. COVID-19 is airborne In early October 2020, the Center for Disease ...

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COVID-19 Rapid Testing vs. PCR Testing

November 15, 2020

" As medical researchers continue to study the novel coronavirus that appeared in 2019, they are able to develop better and better methods of testing and treatment. Most recently, development in rapid testing has made getting results quick and easy. Here is everything you need to know about rapid and standard PCR testing. PCR Testing A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test has been the standard test for the COVID-19 virus for most of the pandemic’s ...

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Getting Ready for a Safe Halloween

October 23, 2020

" Halloween is quickly approaching, but this year the celebrations are going to be a little different. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, keeping yourself and your family safe is critical. While you may not be able to do all of the activities that you consider fun this spooky season, there are still plenty of ways to participate without risking exposure to COVID-19. Some of the ways you can celebrate the fall season safely include: What can ...

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Why It’s Time to Get Your Annual Flu Shot

September 25, 2020

" As the temperatures get cooler and the leaves begin to change, it is time for you to make preparations for another kind of season: flu season is underway. By getting your flu shot at AFC Urgent Care South Portland, you will be able to be immunized with plenty of time before the virus begins to spread throughout your community. Flu vaccinations are offered seven days a week for walk-in patients. What is the benefit of ...

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How Should I Prepare for Flu Season During COVID-19?

August 12, 2020

" It may be hard to believe, but flu season begins in only a few short weeks. The season starts in late September and lasts through late spring, ending around Memorial Day. Because the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, it’s important to make sure you take certain steps to keep yourself safe during this flu season. The flu virus is highly contagious, with hundreds of thousands of cases reported each year as the virus makes its ...

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What is the Difference Between COVID-19 Diagnostic & Antibody Testing?

July 28, 2020

" As local businesses are starting to reopen, you may be interested in learning if you have been exposed to COVID-19, whether it is through an active case of the virus or past infection. AFC Urgent Care South Portland offers two separate tests to detect and diagnose exposure to COVID-19 after a telemedicine screening and by appointment only. Diagnostic Swab Testing In order to diagnose the active COVID-19 virus, AFC Urgent Care South Portland offers swab ...

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When Is Flu Season?

December 30, 2019

" You’ve heard the term “flu season,” but what does it really mean? Can you only get the flu at certain times? When can you get vaccinated for the flu? What are the best ways to prevent and treat the flu, and when should you take these steps? Find out these answers and more below. When Does Flu Season Begin and End? There is no official start and end date for flu season, but typically ...

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What Should I Be Using an Urgent Care Center For?

December 30, 2019

" Fortunately, there are currently several options for medical care, including urgent care, the emergency room, the doctor’s office, and specialists’ offices. With so many options, how do you know which facility you should use and when? You don’t want to waste your time and money visiting one place only to be referred somewhere else, especially when you are dealing with an illness. Find out more about each facility and when you should use ...

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