Getting Ready for a Safe Halloween

October 23, 2020


Halloween is quickly approaching, but this year the celebrations are going to be a little different. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, keeping yourself and your family safe is critical. While you may not be able to do all of the activities that you consider fun this spooky season, there are still plenty of ways to participate without risking exposure to COVID-19. Some of the ways you can celebrate the fall season safely include:

What can I do that is low-risk?

Indoor activities that can be done with your family are considered the safest this fall. An activity that can be done all together is pumpkin painting. While carving is more common, painting is safer and can involve more intricate designs. With painting, the entire family can participate, rather than just waiting for an adult to be able to carve the pumpkin for children. You can also have a scavenger hunt, not unlike an egg hunt, with pieces of candy and prizes hidden around your home for younger family members to find. In order to still have the costume part of Halloween without going trick-or-treating, you can coordinate a virtual costume party with your children and their friends (and even for yourself and your friends) over any number of video chatting softwares.       

Activities that are Considered Moderately Risky This Fall

Some versions of trick-or-treating may be permitted this Halloween, with moderate risk to trick-or-treaters. First, make sure your child is wearing a protective mask or face covering as well as gloves when handling candy. For your home to participate safely in Halloween festivities, you can set up one-way trick-or-treating by lining up pre-made goody bags or plastic cups with candy along your driveway or yard in order to maintain distance between yourself and trick-or-treaters. When assembling bags or cups, make sure you wear gloves and wash your hands regularly to kill germs. 

What to Avoid this Halloween

Door-to-door trick-or-treating is discouraged this year due to social distancing protocols in order to curb the spread of COVID-19. If homes are not allowing safe trick-or-treating, you should avoid going to them this Halloween. Make sure your child is wearing a mask and gloves when out trick-or-treating to reduce transmission of germs. You should also avoid haunted houses, where germs can be transmitted by participants not wearing masks who shout in fear. 

COVID-19 Rapid Testing in South Portland, ME

If you are beginning to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, schedule a telemedicine visit with AFC Urgent Care South Portland today! Our center performs COVID-19 diagnostic and rapid testing seven days a week after a telemedicine screening. Most major insurance plans are accepted. For questions, please call  207.358.3188


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