Common Symptoms of Lyme Disease

June 28, 2024

Lyme Disease exposure is highest during the spring and summer. Deer ticks, the most common cause of Lyme Disease, are out in higher numbers when the weather is warm. At the same time, people spend more time outdoors during the warmer months, increasing the chance of encountering a tick.  If you do not take proper precautions like avoiding tall grassy areas, checking for ticks, or covering your skin with long sleeves and long pants, you ...

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Should I Get Tested for STDs Even If I Have No Symptoms?

June 26, 2024

Sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs/STIs) are fairly common. Moreover, they can be asymptomatic and present no symptoms. This makes them especially dangerous. Because these illnesses are contagious, people who are asymptomatic can inadvertently spread the illness without knowing it. As a result, most medical professionals recommend routine STD tests to help prevent the spread. At AFC Urgent Care Southcenter, we make it easy to get routine STD/STI testing when it ...

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Symptoms of Poison Ivy Exposure

May 13, 2024

During the warm spring and summer months, many of us spend much of our free time outdoors. Whether you’re someone who enjoys biking, hiking, running, or another outdoor activity - poison ivy is a real threat if you plan to spend time outdoors in nature. Poison ivy is a plant that secretes oils which cause an allergic reaction for most people. Although it is possible to not be allergic to poison ivy, the majority of ...

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What Causes Itchy Eyes?

May 13, 2024

Are your eyes feeling irritated, watery, or itchy? Do they appear red and feel irritated? Having irritated eyes can make it difficult to concentrate on your everyday tasks. There are various different conditions that can lead to itchy and irritated eyes. Learn more about common symptoms of pink eye and seasonal allergies to help you determine when to seek medical care for irritated eyes. If you’re suffering from irritated and itchy eyes, AFC Urgent ...

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When to Seek Medical Care for an Insect Bite

April 14, 2024

Now that the weather is getting warmer, nature is coming back to life. During the spring and summer months, this can introduce a variety of allergens and hazards that you need to watch out for. In addition to the irritating spring allergy symptoms, springtime tends to bring the risk of insect bites. Ticks, bees, wasps, and even ants all can pose a risk to your health. Luckily, with proper care, insect bites can be treated ...

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Can Allergies Cause Swollen Tonsils?

April 14, 2024

Nothing can disrupt your week quite like an illness. Waking up with swollen tonsils is a common early symptom of an illness. In most cases, swollen tonsils point to an infection caused by a virus or bacteria. However, there are other reasons why you may experience swollen tonsils. If you’re suffering from swollen and painful tonsils and wondering whether you’re sick or suffering from allergies, keep reading. If you’re experiencing swollen and ...

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What Illnesses Cause Children to Throw Up?

March 21, 2024

There are few things more stressful than having a kid who is feeling sick. Stomach bugs can be particularly difficult to manage as a parent, and can cause severe illness in children. There are many different reasons why a child may be feeling sick and throwing up. Stomach symptoms can cause severe dehydration which can be dangerous for young children. If your child is feeling sick, AFC Urgent Care Southcenter offers rapid same-day medical care ...

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Can Traveling on a Plane Get You Sick?

March 14, 2024

With spring upon us, spring break season is just around the corner. If you plan on traveling this spring or are making plans for your next big trip, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary steps to stay healthy while traveling. There is nothing worse than being sick on your vacation. If you’re feeling sick, AFC Urgent Care Southcenter can help. Our clinic offers same-day illness care for ...

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Should I Visit Urgent Care If I Have A Fever?

February 27, 2024

Have you ever experienced the familiar and unpleasant effects of a fever? The cold sweats, fatigue, and chills that often accompany a fever can cause you to feel miserable. In some cases, it may seem unnecessary to visit urgent care if you are experiencing a fever. However, fevers indicate the presence of an infection. In order to ensure that you receive proper treatment for a swift recovery, it is important that you seek urgent care ...

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What To Expect When You Visit Urgent Care For a Workplace Injury

February 27, 2024

Injuries can happen when you least expect. This includes in the workplace. If you’ve suffered an injury during the work day, it is important to have access to prompt medical care. It is part of your employer's responsibility to ensure that you have access to the healthcare that you need if you suffer from an injury while at work. AFC Urgent Care Southcenter offers a convenient, fast, and affordable healthcare option for both ...

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