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AFC Southcenter
Injuries Sustained From Accident

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Southcenter Injuries Sustained From Accident at AFC Urgent Care

Motor vehicle accidents can occur on the road at any time, but you see a higher percentage and risk in the colder months when snow and rain can lead to slick road conditions and even black ice. Many Injuries commonly sustained in minor car accidents and fender benders can be treated at our local Walk-In Urgent Care.

Bone breaks and fractures

Based on the impact of the accident, you may sustain a broken or fractured bone. Fractures can be diagnosed using an X-Ray, which can be taken and processed in under two minutes at AFC Urgent Care Southcenter. Depending on the location of the fracture, you may need to have your injury set and cast for a period of several weeks in order to heal properly. Other fractures, like broken ribs, require a different course of treatment, including over-the-counter medications to relieve pain felt while moving or breathing and wearing loose clothing to prevent pressure on the area. Broken ribs will need to be monitored to make sure the rib is not puncturing muscles including the heart and lungs.


Whiplash is commonly sustained through quick, sudden movement such as when your body lurches forward after impact, held in place with your seatbelt. This can cause strain on muscles and soft tissues in your back and neck, limiting range of motion and causing pain with movement. At AFC Urgent Care Southcenter, our physicians will be able to check your full range of motion including reflexes and determine which movements cause you the most pain. Whiplash is treated with over-the-counter medications or prescribed muscle relaxants, rest and applying rotating courses of heat and ice for 15 minute intervals throughout the day, as well as exercises prescribed by your doctor.

Cuts And Lacerations

If the accident is serious enough for the windows or windshield to shatter or for components of the car to fly off, sharp shards or objects may cut or puncture your skin, requiring stitches to prevent scar tissue and encourage full healing. Whether or not you will require stitches is based on several factors of the cut, including:

  • Where it is on your body, as skin close to joints or your eyes are more likely to split.
  • How deep the cut is, which can affect how long it takes to stop the bleeding.
  • What the cut looks like and if you can see deep tissue or bone.

Injury Treatment After Motor Vehicle Accidents in Southcenter, Renton, Tukwila, Southcenter & Seatac WA

If you have recently been in a car accident, don’t wait to undergo an examination by a medical professional. Delaying treatment can cause injuries to worsen, as well as cause trouble when it comes to insurance claims from the accident. AFC Urgent Care Southcenter is open seven days a week and always accepts walk-in patients as well as most Major Insurance Carriers. For questions, please call (425) 291-3300.

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AFC Urgent Care FAQs

  • Why choose AFC for Urgent Care?

    With state-of-the-art centers and a professional medical team, AFC provides on-site X-rays, labs, procedures, and more!

  • What's the difference between AFC Urgent Care and emergency room services?

    Urgent care is for medical conditions that require prompt attention but do not pose an immediate threat to your health or life. Here is a simple rule of thumb: if your medical issues(s) are life threatening, call 911, or go directly to a hospital emergency room. If not, an urgent care center such as AFC is an excellent alternative.

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