Deer Tick Bites: Tick Removal And Avoiding Lyme Disease

July 25, 2022

Deer tick in a vial that says Lyme disease positive. AFC Urgent Care offers tips on deer tick removal and avoiding Lyme disease

I got bitten by a deer tick!

“How do you remove a deer tick?” is a very common question people have when encountering one of these little black legged guys. Unlike other ticks, deer ticks carry Lyme disease, which can affect the joints and nervous system. These little buggers love the grassy plains and woodland areas in Massachusetts making them a serious threat to hikers. 

As we approach the warmer months, deer ticks will be in their natural habitat with other little critters, making it harder for you to enjoy a nice stroll in your backyard. AFC Urgent Care Southington is starting to see people come in for deer tick bites and tick removals and has created a guide so you can take the extra steps to avoid getting Lyme disease this spring and summer.

I Got Bitten By A Deer Tick. Does This Mean I Have Lyme Disease?

Getting bitten by a deer tick does put you at risk for getting Lyme disease. The CDC suggests that it can take anywhere from 36-48 hours for a deer tick to pass along the bacteria that causes Lyme disease into your bloodstream. This is why it’s important to remove the whole tick as soon as you see one on your body. 

***These little buggers like to hide in warm, moist areas such as, behind the knees, under your arms, behind your ears, and between your legs. 

How Do I Remove A Deer tick?

Deer tick removal requires proper technique and patience. You don’t want to go ripping it off or twisting it abruptly. This actually increases your chance of the deer tick to regurgitate the bacteria content from its digestive tract into your bloodstream. For this reason, it is suggested to follow this deer tick removal technique from the CDC:

  • Use fine tipped tweezers to grasp the tick (close to the skin as possible). 
  • Pull backwards gently but firmly, using an even pressure, do not twist or jerk. It may take a few minutes as you want to slowly pull and lift as opposed to ripping it out. 
  • Do not squeeze, crush, or puncture the body of the tick. This can cause a deer tick to inject body fluids and cause an increased risk for infection.
  • After removing the tick, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

Having A Hard Time Removing Your Deer Tick? Let Us Help!

Sometimes you may not feel comfortable or confident removing a tick on your own, especially if it’s a deer tick that carries Lyme disease!  

If you’re unsure or rather have a professional remove it for you, you can walk-in to AFC Urgent Care Southington any day of the week. We are open 7 days a week with no appointment needed. At AFC Urgent Care Southington, our staff is medically trained to remove deer ticks. We have the proper tools and can help assess the tick bite for any tick related disease.

Don’t delay, stop by today! 

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