New Sexual Partner? You May Want To Consider A Confidential STD/STI Test

April 1, 2023

AFC provider from AFC Urgent Care Southington going over your STD/STI results

Sex can be romantic, spontaneous, and out of this world, but we also have to remember that sex can bring unwanted lumps, unwanted discharges, as well asunwanted pain, if we aren’t safe. STD’s and STI’s are very common and should not be underestimated. If left untreated they can cause serious long term damage. 

Our providers at AFC Urgent Care Southington want you to be safe when meeting a new partner, which is why we’ve created a guide to inform you about STD’s and STI’s, how to prevent them, and what you should do if you think you may have one. As overwhelming or embarrassing as it may be to take an STD and STI test, it’s better than damaging your body in the long run or increasing the spread to others along the way.

Facts And Statistics You Should Know About STI’s and STD’s

Published last year, on April 2022, The CDC has stated the following four STD and STI statistics:

Chlamydia - 1.6 million cases; down 1.2% from 2016

Gonorrhea - 677,769 cases; up 45% from 2016 

Syphilis - 133,945 cases; up 53% from 2016

Congenital Syphilis - 2,148 cases; up 235% from 2016

Reminder: one can have an STD or an STI without exhibiting any symptoms. In some cases, one can have an STD or an STI and not even know it, which can be problematic in the long run. Prevention is key. 

Here are some ways you can prevent STD’s and STI’s:

Mutual Monogamy - Mutual monogamy means that you agree to be sexually active with only one person, who has agreed to be sexually active only with you.

Use Condoms - Correct and consistent use of the male latex condom is highly effective in reducing STD transmission. If you have latex allergies, synthetic non-latex condoms can be used. 

Avoid sharing - sex toys, drinks and objects with someone who has an STD/STI. You never know and it’s better to avoid any chances. 

Vaccinations - Vaccines are safe, effective, and recommended ways to prevent hepatitis B and HPV.  

Abstinence - The most reliable way to avoid infection is to not have sex (i.e., anal, vaginal or oral).

When Should I Get Tested For An STD Or An STI? 

How many times a year a person gets tested depends on how much sex they’re having and how many partners they’re sleeping with. It’s best to do your part to avoid the spread and to keep your body safe. All of our STD/STI tests are administered confidentially. 

Listed below are the estimated ages and number of times one should be tested. Safe sex is very important, but sometimes we may get risky “frisky”, increasing our chances of contracting an STD. Here are some estimated times and ages for an STD and STI testing:

  • All adults and adolescents from ages 13 to 64 should be tested at least once for HIV.

  • All sexually active women younger than 25 years should be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia every year. Women 25 years and older with risk factors such as new or multiple sex partners or a sex partner who has an STD should also be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia every year.

  • Everyone who is pregnant should be tested for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C starting early in pregnancy. 

  • All sexually active gay, bisexual, and other LGBTQ men/individuals who have sex should be tested often

AFC Urgent Care Southington Will Help You With Confidential STD/STI Testing

We know how overwhelming the information about STD’s and STIs can be. At the same time, we know the stigma they have as society often frowns upon them. But, let us assure you that we are here for your health because your health matters to us. 

We provide CONFIDENTIAL STD and STI testing 7 days a week. You can also schedule an appointment, but walk-ins are also welcomed, too. We want you to enjoy all the pleasures life gives us. And you can now pay your bill online through our website.

So, remember the do’s and don’ts about practicing safe sex. Testing is a good way to know your status and to stay on top of your health in case you do get an STD/STI. If your partner refuses to use contraception or makes the environment unsafe, or unwelcoming for you to practice safe sex, then you should not be with this person, nor should you be getting into bed with them.

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