Tackling Angry Bee Season & Bee Sting Allergies

September 1, 2024

Bees gathering together to plan their next sting

BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ You may hear that more often during "angry bee season." AFC Urgent Care Southington offers essential advice on preventing and managing bee stings. Staying informed and prepared can help you handle this seasonal issue effectively.

Defining Angry Bee Season?

"Angry bee season" typically spans late summer and early fall when bees become more aggressive. This increase in aggression is often due to dwindling food sources and rising temperatures. Bees become more defensive as they prepare for the colder months.

How to Prevent Bee Stings

  1. Wear Neutral Colors: To minimize the risk of attracting bees, opt for dark or neutral-colored clothing instead of bright or floral patterns. Bees are naturally attracted to bright colors that resemble flowers.
  2. Stay Calm: If a bee approaches, stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Swatting or quick actions can provoke the bee and increase the risk of a sting. Remaining still helps reduce the risk.
  3. Cover Food and Drinks: Bees are attracted to sugary foods and beverages. Keep your food covered when eating outdoors and consider consuming it indoors to avoid attracting bees.
  4. Inspect for Nests: Be cautious of potential bee nests around your home and garden. Bees often build nests in hidden or sheltered areas. If you spot a nest, avoid disturbing it and seek professional help if needed.

What to Do If Stung By A Bee

  1. Remove the Stinger: Quickly remove the stinger using a flat object like a credit card. Avoid pinching or using tweezers, as this can push more venom into the wound.
  2. Clean the Area: Wash the sting site with soap and water to minimize the risk of infection. This also helps remove any remaining venom from the skin.
  3. Apply Ice: Use an ice pack to reduce swelling and numb the pain. Apply the ice in intervals to prevent skin damage.

Think you might have a bee sting allergy?

Monitor for Allergic Reactions: Watch for symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or significant swelling. Seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur.

AFC Urgent Care Southington Can take care of your sting

At AFC Urgent Care Southington, we are open 7 days a week to provide care during "angry bee season" and for other urgent health needs. We welcome walk-ins and offer online appointment scheduling for your convenience.

We accept most insurance plans and provide a simple online payment system for efficient bill processing. Our dedicated team is here to offer quality care and support for all your urgent health needs.

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