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Flu Season Facts, Part 2

February 1, 2016

" Here is the second part of our series on flu season! We hope you took our advice from last week and got your flu shot! We’re going to get a bit more into the nitty-gritty about how the flu spreads and what makes the flu vaccine work. So hang on, we’re diving right in! The influenza virus is a respiratory virus, and it spreads primarily through contact with respiratory droplets. However, these droplets ...

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Beware of Black Ice

January 27, 2016

" Winter might not be in full effect everywhere but it is slowly creeping up on the rest of us.  Winter Storm Jonas managed to disturb every state along the I-95 corridor to some degree.  But here in New England, if the storm isn’t categorized as a Blizzard, we often mark down the harshness of the storm.  However, 46 people lost their life as a result of last weekend’s storm. Most of these fatalities ...

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Flu Season Facts, Part 1

January 26, 2016

" The influenza virus is a seasonal epidemic that typically hits the United States around October and can last until May. Even though this is a yearly occurrence, there are still some misconceptions about the flu and what people should do to protect themselves. To keep our readers informed, we are doing a two-part series on important facts people should know about the flu. Part two will be released next week. The flu is not just ...

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Beware of Winter Weather Hazards!

January 19, 2016

" After an unseasonably warm start on the East Coast, winter is finally letting us feel its chill. It might seem like yesterday that high temperatures were breaking records all over the place, so it can be easy to disregard the recent cold. Winter weather can present a lot of hazards though, so it’s important to be aware of what might happen in your area and be prepared for what winter may bring. Here are ...

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Health Tips You Can Enact Now to Have a Healthier 2016

January 11, 2016

" Every January, you see the determined, motivated faces of people all around you working to improve themselves in the new year. Inevitably, by March, the vast majority of those have gotten off-track or completely given up on their goals. It’s not a lack of desire for these changes to work or even a lack of commitment to their goals that’s knocked them off the path toward a better self. For many people, change ...

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10 Healthy New Year's Resolution

December 31, 2015

" Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.  If you are one of those people who repeatedly make your New Year’s resolutions “New Year, New me,” you probably know they aren’t easy to keep.  The reason resolutions often don’t work is because a lifestyle change is typically not adaptable in a major leap but through a series of transitional steps. However, research suggests that any ...

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Christmas Tree Syndrome Symptoms Mimic Colds and Flu

December 7, 2015

" It’s the most wonderful time of the year — that is unless your Christmas tree causes you to have an allergic reaction.  More than one third of American households will put up a Christmas tree during the holiday season, and if you find yourself sneezing with a runny nose and itchy eyes once the tree is up, you might have a case of “Christmas tree syndrome”  — an allergic reaction to your tree, real or artificial ...

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Holiday Party Survival Guide

November 30, 2015

" This year, about 50 percent of people in the United States will attend at least one holiday party.  For about half of us, our employer will host a party for us. About 20 percent of us will even host our own. With those numbers, it’s easy to see a lot of potential pitfalls ahead. So don’t let yourself get caught off-guard, read this guide to see how AFC Urgent Care Urgent Care can ...

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Six Things You Need to Fight the Office Flu

November 16, 2015

" If ever there were a time during the year that all workers dread, it has to be flu season. Sniffling coworkers, wheezing kids and running out of tissues or hand sanitizer can make the months of flu season extremely stressful, even if you’re one of the lucky ones who remains healthy. Every year, American businesses lose billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity. Experts estimate the economy will lose about about $20 ...

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November is American Diabetes Month

November 9, 2015

" Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. One out of every 11 Americans has diabetes, and 86 million more are pre-diabetic. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the United States spends about $245 million every year on health care for people with diabetes, and recent projections have determined that as many as one in every three adults will have diabetes by 2050 if nothing changes. Type 2 ...

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