The Invisible Risks of Vaping

July 8, 2019

" Vaping is a popular new way to consume nicotine. Originally, vaping and e-cigarettes were marketed as a safe alternative to traditional smoking. This new technology has become especially popular in groups of teens and young adults. The ability to use a vape indoors and the convenience of enjoying a variety of flavors draws in potential vape users. While vape manufacturers may lead you to believe their product is safe, it turns out there are actually ...

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Preventing Skin Cancer

June 6, 2019

" Skin cells have the potential to become malignant and can lead to the development of cancer. In the U.S, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) as the most common type of skin cancer and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) as the second most common type. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer that often spreads. The risk for melanoma increases with overexposure to the ultraviolet ...

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Sports Gear For Children

April 29, 2019

" AFC Urgent Care Stamford encourages parents to enroll their kids in sports. Sports teach kids discipline, give them a friend group and can keep them healthy! Sports have amazing benefits for kids of all ages and getting your child hooked in a healthy lifestyle is always a plus. However, sports such as baseball, hockey, football, soccer, lacrosse, and many others may require your children to wear protective gear. Picking the right equipment for your children ...

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Persuading an Anti-Vaxxer

March 25, 2019

"   The anti-vaxxer movement has swept across the world in recent years. The decision not to vaccinate children because of preconceived ideas that vaccines are harmful or wrong has led to the occurrence of measles, mumps, and other diseases that were once nearly eradicated. The number of parents jumping on the anti-vaxxer bandwagon has reached high enough heights that herd immunity is no longer effective in many areas of the world. Herd immunity refers to the ...

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Nutrition Tips and Tricks

March 25, 2019

" Finding a good nutrition plan is a challenge. With busy schedules and tight budgets, it’s easy to see an excuse for your poor eating habits, but it’s time to change that! 2019 is the first year that celebrates national nutrition month. That’s right – a whole month dedicated to spreading nutrition tips and tricks with the public! To kick off this healthy new addition, check out some of our favorite nutrition advice. Don ...

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When Should I Visit Urgent Care with a Cold?

February 28, 2019

" This can be a tricky time of year to determine what your symptoms mean: while some ailments require the care of a doctor, others can be cured with rest at home. If you are battling a cold that seems to be getting worse instead of better, you may want to visit your local urgent care center to be checked by a licensed physician and receive the proper treatment for your needs. Some symptoms that you ...

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What You Need to Know About Chickenpox

February 28, 2019

" Chickenpox was once one of the most common diseases to affect children and presents as a rash across the body. It is highly contagious until you have contracted the virus and affects most people by adulthood if they were not previously vaccinated as children. It can spread quickly among groups, such as children at school or daycare. If you work in childcare or spend a lot of time around children, you should learn the symptoms ...

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Keep Vaccinating your children in 2019

February 4, 2019

" 2018 is officially over & it some will say it is definitely the most controversial years we’ve had in a long time. One of the most notable adverse changes that need to be addressed is the return of hepatitis. Hepatitis has been around for decades, but just last year the condition saw a rapid increase in the number of cases. What Causes Hepatitis? Hepatitis comes in three forms, A, B, and C. each form is ...

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Gift Wrapping Safety Tips

December 28, 2018

" You may not consider gift wrapping to be a dangerous activity, but your body would disagree! Gift wrapping has the potential to cause muscle strain and soreness in various areas of your body, but we’re here to help! Follow these gift-wrapping safety tips as you get into the holiday spirit this year to make it a happy and healthy time for everyone involved. Don’t Strain Your Back The most common complaint that people ...

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Knowing Your Family History

November 19, 2018

" You can’t fight your genetics. But, knowing your family’s history can reduce your chances of inheriting diseases or chronic medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Since 2004, the U.S. Surgeon General has declared Thanksgiving as National Family History Day to encourage relatives to discuss the medical conditions that they have experienced. These conversations can be awkward, but they are key for early disease detection and even prevention. Importance of Knowing ...

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