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10 Healthy New Year's Resolution

December 31, 2015

" Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.  If you are one of those people who repeatedly make your New Year’s resolutions “New Year, New me,” you probably know they aren’t easy to keep.  The reason resolutions often don’t work is because a lifestyle change is typically not adaptable in a major leap but through a series of transitional steps. However, research suggests that any ...

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Christmas Tree Syndrome Symptoms Mimic Colds and Flu

December 7, 2015

" It’s the most wonderful time of the year — that is unless your Christmas tree causes you to have an allergic reaction.  More than one third of American households will put up a Christmas tree during the holiday season, and if you find yourself sneezing with a runny nose and itchy eyes once the tree is up, you might have a case of “Christmas tree syndrome”  — an allergic reaction to your tree, real or artificial ...

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