Persuading an Anti-Vaxxer

March 25, 2019

"   The anti-vaxxer movement has swept across the world in recent years. The decision not to vaccinate children because of preconceived ideas that vaccines are harmful or wrong has led to the occurrence of measles, mumps, and other diseases that were once nearly eradicated. The number of parents jumping on the anti-vaxxer bandwagon has reached high enough heights that herd immunity is no longer effective in many areas of the world. Herd immunity refers to the ...

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Nutrition Tips and Tricks

March 25, 2019

" Finding a good nutrition plan is a challenge. With busy schedules and tight budgets, it’s easy to see an excuse for your poor eating habits, but it’s time to change that! 2019 is the first year that celebrates national nutrition month. That’s right – a whole month dedicated to spreading nutrition tips and tricks with the public! To kick off this healthy new addition, check out some of our favorite nutrition advice. Don ...

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