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Controlling Type 2 Diabetes: Why It's a Must

November 13, 2014


Diabetes is a growing  epidemic that affects more and more people each year in the United States. Since November is Diabetes Awareness month, here at AFC Urgent Care  Stamford we are hoping to bring attention to the dangers and signs of diabetes. In the U.S alone, over 25 million people suffer from Type 2 diabetes, and it is estimated that of those 25 million, approximately half of them are completely unaware of their condition. On average, a person with diabetes dies 10 to 15 years sooner than a person without diabetes.

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is treatable when diagnosed and treated at an early stage. The majority of treatment involves simple changes in day to day routines. Healthy lifestyle shifts such as eating well, exercising, not smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, can all help to maintain the effects of diabetes. Often times, in addition to leading a healthier lifestyle, an oral medication in necessary in controlling the body’s insulin levels.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, we urge that you see your doctor to get screened for diabetes. Early detection and proper treatment can prevent the warning signs from manifesting into more serious, sometimes life threatening, medical complicatons

Prevalent Symptoms of Diabetes:

Blurry vision, weight loss (despite a proper diet), frequent thirst, increased urination, nerve pain or numbness in hands and or feet.

If not managed early on, complications may include: severe kidney problems potentially needing dialysis, premature heart attacks or strokes, cuts and infections that can lead to amputation, or severe nerve damage that can have the same outcome.

Again, we are in the midst of Diabetes Awareness Month, but these tips are year round reminders. If you are experiencing any of the previously mentioned symptoms or you have reason to suspect you might have diabetes, we encourage you  to walk in, no appointment needed, to see one of our providers at AFC Urgent Care Stamford or make an appointment to see your primary doctor where an A1C screening test can be performed.

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