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How To Avoid Getting The Flu

September 7, 2017


While getting your annual flu shot is the best way to prevent getting infected with the virus, there are several measures you can take to avoid catching the flu.

  1. Avoid close contact: When you’re in constant meetings, planning activities with the kids, or trying to keep a social life, it can be hard to not have close, face-to-face interactions. If you’re sick, or if you’re interacting with someone who is sick, be sure to keep a good distance away from their face to avoid air-borne illnesses.
  2. Cover your mouth: When you were younger, your mother probably told you to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Mother always knows best, as covering your mouth decreases the germs you’re spreading to others.  If you feel a cough or a sneeze coming on, do your peers a favor and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow and avoid sneezing or cough directly into your hands.
  3. Avoid touching areas of your face: From the germs on the door you just opened, to your keyboard, to your phone screen, surfaces that you touch throughout the day are inhibiting your space, and you probably don’t even think about it when you rub your eyes or cover your mouth mid-yawn. Germs are often spread when you touch something contaminated and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, so make it a habit to avoid touching your face.
  4. Keep your hands clean: Along with touching that door, your keyword, and your phone screen, you should make it a point to wash your hands more frequently. Wash your hands whenever you do things such as use the bathroom, before and after eating, handle trash, and shake hands. If soap and running water are not available, keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer available.
  5. Keep your environment clean: Spring-clean frequently touched surfaces at home, work and school. Germs can live on surfaces for days at  time, so making a habit of wiping surfaces down with sanitizing wipes and other household cleaning items.



Walk-in Flu Shots in Stamford, CT

At AFC Urgent Care Stamford, we provide walk-in seasonal flu shots to keep you and those around you from contracting the virus.

Our urgent care center also provides treatment for cold and flu-like symptoms such as:

  • Congestion
  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Dehydration
  • Body Ache
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Chest Discomfort

For more information about our flu shots, flu treatment, or other urgent care services, please call to speak with one of our medical professionals at 203-969-2000.



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