Treatment for General Illnesses in Stamford, CT
Suffering from cold or flu-like symptoms? When your symptoms are wearing you down, treatment from AFC Urgent Care Stamford can lift you right back up! Our urgent care center treats common, acute illnesses such as:
- Colds
- Congestion
- Influenza (The Flu)
- Sinus Infections
- Sore Throat
- Fevers
- Headaches
- Earaches & Ear Infections
At AFC Urgent Care Stamford, our physicians are here to provide you with the care you need when you need it most. As a walk-in clinic, you don’t need an appointment to be seen! We’re open seven days a week, with convenient night and weekend hours, providing you with the care you need even when your doctor’s office is closed.
We accept most major health insurances and provide low-cost treatment for our self-pay patients.
For more information about the services we provide, please call us at (203) 969-2000.