April means the return of spring sports, children playing outside, warmer days & cooler nights. Unfortunately, it also means the start of allergy season. If you are a part of the thousands that are affected by allergies every year, AFC Urgent Care Stamford would like to give you some advice & information to help you beat allergies this year!
What Spring & Allergies mean to you
The warmer weather is like food to the plant life on our planet. When flowers, tree’s, ext. Feel the heat they will start the process of creating experience again. In this beautiful creation, unfortunately, plants will release certain chemicals in & particles in the air that can give us side effects, this is where seasonal allergies in April & May come from. Most people think allergies only come from flowers; however, most of us are actually suffering from tree pollen. Tree’s are one large plants that will often have flowers on them. Tree’s can produce 100x of pollen than a flower. Tree’s start building up pollen long before April & May. In the winter months trees are building up pollen, the milder the winter, the more pollen a tree will be able to build up. When the weather gets warmer trees will then release its pollen in a devastating wave of pollen.
Be aware of the wind
The wind is actually what spreads pollen around the most. When the wind blows in the spring, it can take pollen from one tree and start to move it inside your home. The wind is the reason all 50 states have people who suffer from allergies. Staying inside all allergy season is not only not possible but also won’t save you! Allergies often travel inside traveling on the clothes of people or the fur of animals who have been outside. If you suffer from severe allergies, you should think about coming into our center and talking to one of our physicians for a plan on which medication you should be using!
AFC Urgent Care Stamford wishes you the best of luck this allergy season! We hope this article will help you!