Can I Get a CBC Test at AFC Statesville?

August 15, 2023

Getting sick comes in many different forms, and each of them are unpleasant in their own right. We know you want to feel better as quick as humanly possible, so we make sure we can help by having extensive knowledge and a variety of diagnostic tools at our fingertips. One of those tools is a state-of-the-art lab that can help identify many different illnesses and conditions by processing various tests right here in our center ...

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Can You Get an STD Without Having Sex?

August 11, 2023

If you have an STD but haven't been sexually active, you may have contracted it through sharing needles, tattoos/piercings, blood transfusions, or other means. Some STDs are asymptomatic but can lead to serious health consequences if left untreated. AFC urgent care clinics offer confidential STD testing and treatment.

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Is it Possible to Quit Smoking Quickly?

August 1, 2023

If you smoke, you know how hard it is to think about quitting! Addictive habits are by nature hard to give up, especially if they have been a big part of your life for many years. Smoking cigarettes and other forms of tobacco is one of the most common addictions amongst adults, so you are certainly not alone. Smoking is bad for your health no matter which way you look at it, so we will ...

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