Same-day relief for skin issues. We treat rashes, infections and more near Statesville. Just off I-77 & I- 40 on Turnersburg Hwy. No appointment required.
We do not offer the following services:
- Facial or sensitive wart removal
- Tattoo removal
- Annual skin screenings
- Cosmetic skin services (acne treatment, skin lightening, fillers, Botox)
- Skin cancer screenings or mole removals for pathology
*Please refer to a local dermatologist for these services.
Other Skin Infections & Rashes
It can be difficult to determine what exactly is causing skin irritation, infection or rash. If you’re not sure what type of skin issue or rash you have, our team will help diagnose and provide proper treatment or refer you to a dermatologist if needed.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Skin Infection, Rash and Irritation
If you’re wondering if your skin is infected or irritated, you will likely experience the following symptoms:
- Redness
- Itchiness
- Blisters
- Skin peeling or scaling
- Bumps
What Causes Skin Infections and Rashes?
Skin is always exposed to external stimuli, so it can react to several things in the environment, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of an irritation or infection. While some people know exactly what caused their infection, it’s common to have no idea why you’re experiencing a skin issue. Here are some things that may cause skin infection, irritation or a rash:
- Allergens (pollen, pet dander, dust mites)
- Bacteria
- Irritants, commonly soaps, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes or fabrics
- Sun exposure
- Fungi
- Viruses
- Physical irritants, such as friction or rubbing
- Hormonal changes (puberty or menopause)
- Parasites, such as scabies or lice
- Autoimmune disorders (a common cause of psoriasis or eczema)
No matter the condition, it’s best to treat your skin issue as soon as possible. It’s not always convenient to schedule an appointment with your primary doctor or a dermatologist, and in most cases, it’s not necessary to visit an emergency room. At AFC Urgent Care, you can visit our walk-in clinic with no appointment 7 days a week. So, when you notice a skin infection or other skin issue developing, you can get efficient care and treatment at your convenience.