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Avoid Sunburn this Summer

May 19, 2021

" Getting sunburnt is a painful experience that you’re sure to experience frequently throughout your life. Sunburns range from mild redness to painful blistering. No sunburn is pleasant, so avoiding it altogether is the best treatment! AFC Urgent Care Stoneham provides sunburn treatment for all patients. If you have a more severe sunburn, visit us today to help relieve those painful symptoms. Dangers of Sun Exposure Sun exposure raises your risk of sunburns, premature aging ...

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Do I Have Lyme Disease?

May 11, 2021

" Tick bites are something that you should always try to avoid, but the possibility of getting Lyme disease makes tick bites even scarier. Certain black-legged or deer ticks are carriers of Lyme disease, and if they bite you, you may be a carrier of the disease too. Lyme disease affects more than 200,000 people in the US every year. AFC Urgent Care Stoneham can diagnose and provide treatment for Lyme. The best way to ...

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