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Do Minor Burns Require Medical Care?

February 2, 2024

Burns are common injuries. They can happen in a split second and cause severe damage to the skin. Whether you’re cooking, tending to a fire, or curling your hair - you are at risk of getting burnt. If you do have a burn, you may be wondering what the best course of treatment is for your injury. If you’ve suffered a burn, learn about when to seek medical care and how to provide immediate care for your injury at home. Visit AFC Urgent Care Stoneham for same-day injury care available on a walk-in basis from 8am-8pm 7 days a week. Available for patients in Stoneham, Wakefield, Melrose & Woburn, MA.

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How To Classify How Serious a Burn Is

Burns can be complicated injuries. Every burn is different depending on the cause of the burn, severity, and part of the body affected. Not all burns require medical care, however, burns are extremely prone to infection if not treated correctly. This means that it is important to understand the different types of burns and when to seek medical care for a burn.

There are three categories of burns:

  • First Degree
  • Second Degree
  • Third Degree

These burn classification categories describe the number of skin layers affected by the burn. First-degree burns are very minor and only affect the top layer of the skin. They are the only burn classification that can be safely treated at home. Sunburns are a common example of first-degree burns. Second-degree burns are slightly more severe and affect deeper skin layers. Second-degree burns can be distinguished by the blisters that they cause on the surface of the skin. Blistering burns require specialized cleaning and care to prevent infection. If your burn is more than 3 inches in size or is numb at the burn site, you should seek urgent medical care in the ER as you may have a third-degree burn which requires specialized care.

Should I Go To Urgent Care If I Get Burnt?

Burns are serious injuries. Without proper treatment, they can become infected or leave permanent scarring. If your burn is more severe than a sunburn, you should seek medical care. Medical professionals can ensure that the burn is kept clean and instruct you on at-home care to help promote correct healing.


There are some factors that indicate you should seek medical care for your burn. These include:

  • If the burn is located over a joint
  • If the burn blisters
  • If the burn is on the face
  • If a child is burnt
  • If the burn is larger than 1 inch
  • If the burn occurred due to a chemical exposure

AFC Urgent Care Stoneham provides treatment for minor burns that are less than 3 inches in size. If your burn is severe, or extremely large, you should seek medical treatment in the ER. These burns require specialized care by a burn expert.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Stoneham for Walk-In Injury Treatment Near Stoneham, MA

If you’ve suffered a burn, it is important to understand when you should seek medical care for proper treatment. Any burn that is more severe than a sunburn generally requires medical care to prevent infection. AFC Urgent Care Stoneham offers treatment for minor burns less than three inches in size on a walk-in basis. We don’t require you to schedule an appointment to get prompt medical care, simply walk into our clinic.


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Our walk-in clinic offers convenient care with short wait times. Our dedicated medical team is board-certified and able to clean and treat burns to help prevent the chance of an infection occurring. We accept most major medical insurance plans and offer affordable care for self-paying patients. To learn more about our clinic, contact us directly by calling (781) 279-4000.


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