What STD Tests Can I Get at AFC?

September 1, 2022

No one wants to have to get tested for a sexually transmitted disease, but it crucial that you do so in order to protect yourself and your partner. STDs are really common, so we offer quick and reliable testing right in our clinic. You don’t even need to make an appointment! We know that your sexual health can directly impact your overall physical health, so we want to test and treat you as quickly ...

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Can Children With Asthma Still Play Sports?

August 16, 2022

Having an athletic child can be so exciting! Watching him or her run up and down the field or hit a home run is a great way to spend your weekends and evenings. But what if your child suddenly starts complaining of trouble breathing, wheezing and coughing during an activity? Childhood asthma is a relatively common diagnosis, but it can still feel overwhelming. Supporting your child’s love for sports while creating a safe balance ...

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AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road Is the Most Convenient Choice

August 4, 2022

When you think of AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road, we want you to think of a streamlined, convenient experience. We truly care about your urgent medical needs, and our goal is to serve you to the very best of our ability. While we are very aware that there are multiple options in our area when it comes to seeking urgent care, we are confident that we are the best choice whenever you need non-emergency medical ...

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Our AFC Personnel Is Different Than Our Competitors and Here’s Why

July 20, 2022

Have you received medical care before that left you feeling like you were just another number—like you weren’t even listened to? If so, you’re certainly not alone. When you visit our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road center, this won’t be the case. We are careful to hire medical providers that not only possess lots of medical expertise, but that also have a passion for providing quality care and listening intently to ...

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How Does a Doctor Diagnose Mesenteric Adenitis?

June 15, 2022

Stomach pain is stomach pain, right? Not really. Stomach pain can come in many forms and causes, and mesenteric adenitis is one form. This is caused by inflammation of lymph nodes, and it’s most common among children and young teens. Don’t know much about it? No problem! Our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team is here to provide you with the info that you need to know. Keep reading. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis ...

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What to Expect When Visiting Our AFC Center

June 1, 2022

Our urgent are center isn’t like other centers that claim to offer quick, quality care—we actually deliver! We pride ourselves on providing top-quality care at an affordable price without the long waits of other ERs and urgent care companies. Read on to learn more about what AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road offers. Coming to see us is less expensive than going to the ER. Every year, people spend $4.4 billion on emergency ...

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What Should I Know About Gastrointestinal Diseases?

May 16, 2022

Gastrointestinal diseases are actually quite common among Americans. According to GI Alliance, as between 60 and 70 million people in the U.S. deal with them every year, and some of them are more severe than others. Our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team provides other helpful information on GI disorders and diseases below, so keep reading to learn more! How Does the Gastrointestinal System Work? The gastrointestinal system runs from the mouth to the ...

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When Should I Worry About Stomach Problems?

April 1, 2022

It’s safe to say that nearly every one of us will experience stomach pain at some point in our lives. Most of us experience it on a fairly regular basis, so when is stomach pain an actual cause for concern and not something to brush aside? Our AFC Urgent Care of Tyvola Road team provides some helpful answers below, so keep reading! What Causes Stomach Pain? A large number of problems can cause stomach ...

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What Should I Know About Mono?

March 15, 2022

Mononucleosis, or “mono” for short, is a viral illness that is almost always transmitted through saliva and affects mainly teenagers and young adults. While the symptoms of mono can last for months in some cases, this viral infection isn’t usually thought of as a serious illness. Continue reading to learn more about mono from our AFC Urgent Care of Tyvola Road team. What Is Mono? Mono is a set of symptoms that can be ...

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Should I Be Concerned If My Child Gets Croup?

February 3, 2022

Croup is a common respiratory infection among children. It most often occurs in children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years old, and it will likely clear up within a week. Although serious croup complications are rare, croup is not something to take lightly. Our AFC Urgent Care of Tyvola Road team provides more info on this respiratory infection below, so keep reading! What Is Croup? Croup is a condition that irritates and ...

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