How Can I Tell if My Nose Is Broken?

April 28, 2024

How Can I Tell if My Nose Is Broken? The old comedic trope of an actor stepping on a rake and getting their face smacked by the rake’s handle is something you used to laugh at…until last weekend when you were the one stepping on a rake. Or, rather, tripping over one. Instead of the rake hitting you in the face, you lost your balance and fell into the frame of your garage ...

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Why Has There Been a Rise in Peanut Allergies?

April 13, 2024

Why Has There Been a Rise in Peanut Allergies? Dining out has been your and your partner’s favorite form of entertainment for years. When a new place opens to rave reviews the next thing you know, you are both consulting your calendars to see just how fast you can get there! You both share an affinity for Asian food however, a damper has been put on your adventures because the last place you tried ...

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