How Long Does Sun Poisoning Last?

May 13, 2024

How Long Does Sun Poisoning Last?

Spending time outdoors during the summer months is an amazing, fun-filled experience. The many green spaces, like Little Sugar Creek Greenway, beckon to be explored. What is less enjoyable, however, is the dark pink or red skin burns from the harmful components of the sun’s warm rays. For fair-skinned people, or individuals with increased susceptibility to sun damage, they may develop an allergic reaction called sun poisoning, which can last a lot longer than a normal sunburn.

Definition of Sun Poisoning?

Sun Allergy, more commonly referred to as Sun Poisoning, is what happens when your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks skin cells that have been sunburnt. This can lead to symptoms like redness, blisters, swelling, pain, and itching. Sometimes, it can even cause more general symptoms like fever, nausea, and dehydration. Unfortunately, sun poisoning can keep coming back each time you’re exposed to sunlight.

Sun Poisoning Duration

Standard, mild sunburns usually stick around for about two days, but it can vary depending on how your body reacts. On the other hand, severe sunburns, like sun poisoning, can last longer, sometimes up to two weeks, depending on case severity and treatment methods.

The length of time you’ll feel the effects of sun poisoning depends on a few things, including:

⦁ Your skin type
⦁ Whether you were out in the sun during its strongest hours
⦁ Being at high altitudes
⦁ Any pre-existing health conditions you have
⦁ Medications you might be taking.

To ensure a faster recovery, visit a nearby doctor or an urgent care clinic, like AFC Knoxville, to get specialized care to tackle the painful blisters, severe redness, or itch.

Options for Relief at Home

While it is best to visit a healthcare professional, there are some methods you can use to get relief at home. These simple, yet effective methods can ease the discomfort of sun poisoning from the comfort of your home.

⦁ Apply a cool compress to areas where you feel redness, itching, or a burning sensation. This can help reduce swelling and inflammation.
⦁ Keep your skin moisturized by using a lotion containing natural ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile.
⦁ Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, like water, to prevent dehydration caused by sun poisoning.
⦁ Use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) on areas exposed to the sun, such as your face, neck, and ears.
⦁ If you experience mild pain, you can take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Remember, while many cases of sunburn can be managed at home, it’s important to recognize that severe sunburn or long-term cases of sun poisoning require medical attention. If you’re unsure about the severity of your symptoms, or they don’t seem to be going away, visit AFC so we can work together to restore your skin health.

When to Seek Medical Attention

It’s crucial to stay alert to know when cases of sun poisoning start to get severe. Look out for concerning signs like large blisters, severe swelling, or increasing pain, as they could indicate serious complications that need urgent attention. If you’re sunburned and experience any of the following, seek immediate medical care: fevers above 103°F (39.4°C), vomiting, dehydration, infection, confusion, cold skin, dizziness, or even fainting.

Enjoy long days of fun in the sun this summer, but make sure to protect your skin. Wear sunscreen, stay in the shade, and stay hydrated. If you do happen to experience any burns or skin infections, AFC Knoxville will be there to provide the care you need.

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