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How to Avoid Sore Throat During the Holidays!

December 18, 2019

" Pharyngitis, pronounced lair-in-gitis, is a common condition that affects people of all ages; commonly referred to as sore throat. Many people who are suffering from pharyngitis may not even realize that the cause of their symptoms is from a specific sore throat case. Luckily, the condition is very easily treatable once it’s diagnosed at any urgent care center. However, respiratory infections and other types of acute illnesses can increase your risk of getting a ...

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Seasonal Activities to Keep Healthy During the Holidays!

December 18, 2019

" This winter, you may feel more likely to stay indoors during a snow and hunker down at home! While it can be cozy every once-in-a-while to get snowed in, just remember that you need to stay on top of your overall health, Specifically, making sure that you are staying active. Winter snow-ins plus the chaotic holiday season can mean that most patients aren’t able to get their full exercise routine in colder months. The ...

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How Blood Pressure Screenings Improve Overall Health

November 25, 2019

" Staying on top of your overall health is key to ensure that you live the happiest and most stress-free life possible. Frequent primary care and urgent care appointments are simple and effective ways to ensure you stay healthy this year. However, blood pressure screenings and similar services alone can help improve overall health for most patients.  Recently, new guidelines for high blood pressure changed since new studies found that high blood pressure at even moderate ...

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How to Prevent Flu Symptoms this November

October 25, 2019

" Flu season is something we all dread each year, but the flu season is inevitable. There’s no way to know for sure when the flu will peak each year. That makes it even more important to be aware of symptoms, how long they can last, and exactly how contagious the flu is. How Long Do Flu Symptoms Last? The length of time someone is affected by their flu symptoms will vary from person to ...

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How Workplace Flu Clinics Keep Employees Safe

October 23, 2019

" Many patients will try and get an updated flu shot this season, but others may skip the vaccine altogether because of busy schedules, lack of awareness, and similar factors that may influence patients not to get their flu shot.  However, a great outlet for employees to get their flu shot is through a workplace flu clinic like the ones offered by AFC Urgent Care Beverly! The main benefits of a workplace flu clinic or on-site ...

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5 Common Illnesses During the Fall to Watch For

October 23, 2019

" While the cold weather doesn’t specifically lead to illnesses, there is an increase of sickness in the colder months. This is because colder air may contribute to conditions that lead to illness. For example, some viruses, like the common cold, are actually more likely to spread at colder temperatures because they replicate better at those temperatures. As illnesses ramp up, there are certainly some common ones to watch out and prepare for, such as ...

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How Long Does Flu Season Last? 2019-2020 Flu Season Updates

September 18, 2019

" Patients this fall may be wondering about the flu season and whether or not they are at risk for a prolonged flu season. The answer to that question varies as patients could be in for a shorter or longer flu season.  Each year, the flu season starts in the fall and lasts until the end of winter or early spring. But flu seasons are not all alike since some can begin in the first week ...

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What are the symptoms and risks of EEE to watch for this year?

September 17, 2019

" In Massachusetts, cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) have been reported and several Mass. counties are at critical risk for EEE due to mosquito bites. The early fall is usually a higher risk of EEE as public health departments have scheduled repellent sprayings in at-risk communities.  Make sure that you keep up with your local health appointments and follow updates to avoid areas that could have EEE risks. However, it is also important to watch ...

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Early Flu Prevention Skills and Tips to Get Ready for Fall

August 16, 2019

" The summer is ending which means that fall is right around the corner! With all the festivities and other fun things to do this fall, you want to be ready to stay healthy and not miss a second of it.  But the flu season is also ready to begin and could put a damper on all your upcoming plans if you don’t plan accordingly.  Flu season can start as early as August and September ...

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Best Benefits of a Walk-in Clinic

July 17, 2019

" Everywhere you look, you can find urgent cares and walk-in clinics popping up. The sudden increase in these quick treatment centers has left people wondering why they’re better than a traditional emergency room. A walk-in clinic may not be the best fit for every injury or illness, but they’re an excellent option for non-emergent cases! Quick Treatment Walk-in clinics can offer treatment in a fraction of the time that an emergency room does ...

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