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The main differences between Urgent Care and Retail Clinics

February 21, 2019

" When it comes to healthcare access and providers, patients now have a variety of options of healthcare whether it be urgent care or a retail clinic. However, patients need to understand that these healthcare facilities may be extremely different in terms of what they offer patients and their ability to deliver comprehensive care. So what are the key differences between retail clinics and urgent care centers? Retail Clinics Retail clinics offer walk-in services for patients ...

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When should patients get STD Tests?

February 20, 2019

" All adults that are sexually active have at least some risks of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Even though some individuals may think they don’t have a disease, it is important to still actively screen for diseases. A good portion of STDs don’t have many signs or symptoms, which means that an STD screening is likely the only way to detect an STD or sexually transmitted infection (STI). The question of when ...

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How Do Urgent Care Centers Treat My Headache?

January 29, 2019

" Suffering from a headache is something that everyone dreads, but for people who get headaches that are too severe or lasts for days at a time, it can begin to affect their day to day life. Getting treated for a headache is weird because people are never quite sure when to visit the doctor. What if the headache just goes away on its own? What if there’s nothing they can do to help me ...

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Turkey Cooking Safety

November 15, 2018

" Cooking the turkey is one of the most critical jobs on Thanksgiving Day, but it’s also one of the most dangerous. Each year food-borne illnesses run rampant through the country around this time of year thanks to poultry being improperly cooked and handled. This year, the CDC has seen a strain of salmonella spreading around that is resistant to many medications. Turkey cooking safety is more important now than ever, so be sure you ...

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Travel Hygiene Tips for the Holidays

November 15, 2018

" The holiday months are upon us. That means traveling for family gatherings, getaways, and then going back home again. Travel comes with a set of hygiene challenges you’ve likely never faced before and learning how to overcome them and be a challenge, but we’re here to help! Holiday Hand Hygiene Holiday time just so happens to be the heat of cold and flu season, so hand hygiene is vital! Don’t skimp on ...

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Face Paint Chemical Awareness

October 9, 2018

" As fall comes into full swing, many festivals and pumpkin patches will feature face painting stations for your kids to enjoy. There’s no question about rather or not face painting is fun for everyone but is it safe? Upon taking a closer look at some of the ingredients lurking in the face paint used on many kids every year, you might be thinking twice about letting your kid become a lion or a butterfly ...

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Hand Washing Tips

October 9, 2018

" With flu season right around the corner, many families are doing whatever they can to protect themselves. For many families, simple prevention from handwashing is something that is overlooked. Proper handwashing techniques should be used all year round, but now is a great time to begin implanting good habits in yourself and your children. How Often Should You Wash Your Hands? Your hands should be washed often, but there’s no specific answer to this ...

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Get a Vaccination

September 14, 2018

" Childhood vaccinations have been a hot topic issue lately, but knowing the facts should be your first focus. Many parents are unsure of why vaccinations are so important, how they can affect your child, and how to go about getting their child vaccinated. These are a few of the most important pieces of information you need to know before getting your child vaccinated. What are Vaccinations? Vaccinations are a way to protect your child and ...

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Take your child to get their eyes checked today

September 4, 2018

" Taking your child for regular eye vision testing is important not only for their eye health but for their performance in school as well. Knowing what age to begin taking your child to get eye vision testing, how often to take them, and what that testing includes can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s review some of the basics you need to know about eye vision testing for your child ...

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Protect yourself from sunburn this summer!

August 8, 2018

" Be mindful When it is finally summertime again the first thing everyone wants to do is go out and enjoy the weather! Sometimes we forget to pack sunscreen or think about how long we will be exposed to the suns rays. Did you know getting sunburn twice a summer can increase your chances of getting melanoma skin cancer by three times? Sunburn should not be taken lightly here’s what you need to know about ...

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