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How to Avoid Sore Throat During the Holidays!

December 18, 2019

" Pharyngitis, pronounced lair-in-gitis, is a common condition that affects people of all ages; commonly referred to as sore throat. Many people who are suffering from pharyngitis may not even realize that the cause of their symptoms is from a specific sore throat case. Luckily, the condition is very easily treatable once it’s diagnosed at any urgent care center. However, respiratory infections and other types of acute illnesses can increase your risk of getting a ...

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Seasonal Activities to Keep Healthy During the Holidays!

December 18, 2019

" This winter, you may feel more likely to stay indoors during a snow and hunker down at home! While it can be cozy every once-in-a-while to get snowed in, just remember that you need to stay on top of your overall health, Specifically, making sure that you are staying active. Winter snow-ins plus the chaotic holiday season can mean that most patients aren’t able to get their full exercise routine in colder months. The ...

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