How Workplace Flu Clinics Keep Employees Safe

October 23, 2019


Many patients will try and get an updated flu shot this season, but others may skip the vaccine altogether because of busy schedules, lack of awareness, and similar factors that may influence patients not to get their flu shot. 

However, a great outlet for employees to get their flu shot is through a workplace flu clinic like the ones offered by AFC Urgent Care Beverly! The main benefits of a workplace flu clinic or on-site vaccination clinic includes ensuring that your employees are healthy, happy, and safe this season! 

Below, we’ll dive into some of the more specific benefits of workplace flu clinics for employee safety as well as business productivity for managers. If you have any other questions, we encourage you to consult our support team for more information about employer health services in Beverly, MA

Workplace flu clinics ensure your employees are protected against the newest flu virus

The main benefit of a workplace flu clinic is that your employees will never have to worry about getting a timely flu shot! That is because a flu clinic is right on site for where your employees are for most of their day: the office! 

Physician assistants and urgent care providers on site can administer the latest flu vaccine for employees during a break or lull in the day. This way, your employees can simply sit down with the mobile clinic team and get their flu shot ASAP. 

Sometimes, employees will try and forgo the flu vaccine because of costs and out-of-pocket spending at other medical providers. The good news for patients is that workplace flu clinics allow patients to get their shots through multiple insurance carriers and other affordable out-of-pocket rates. 

A mobile flu clinic allows employees of all levels to enjoy their free time, without missing productive work time

For employees, work is about maintaining a balance of healthy out-of-office activities as well as ensuring they have the tools to continue a productive career. A workplace flu clinic provides another advantage in securing this valued balance. 

When employees get sick, they’ll try and come into work with the flu in order to avoid missing significant work time. However, this can backfire in a big way. The flu is extremely likely to spread in office spaces and make more employees miss work and personal time.

In general, a flu patient is likely to miss one-two weeks of personal and work time if they have a full-blown infection. But getting a flu shot through and accessible clinic can significantly help reduce an employee’s chances of getting sick! 

Businesses of all sizes should consider the services of workplace flu clinics to keep employees happy, healthy, and productive throughout the fall and winter! 


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