The Most Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19

March 19, 2020


COVID-19 has been the topic of discussion on news platforms, social media, TV, and radio alike. Since the World Health Organization declared this virus a pandemic, fears are on the rise for American citizens. There is plenty of misinformation being spread around to create panic, but these are some real facts to put your mind at ease and help lower your risk of the virus. 

And always make sure to follow national updates from the Centers for Disease Control

Why is it Called COVID-19?

Coronavirus is not a new term. In fact, coronavirus has been around for years, just not the same strain. The current strain of coronavirus is especially dangerous and there is no known cure or vaccine, so it needs to be distinguished from the rest. CO means corona, VI means virus, and D means disease. 19 stands for 2019, which is when the disease began in China. 

Are Certain Groups More Likely to Have it?

Since the virus began in China there has been a lingering stigma surrounding Chinese, Asian, and Asian-American individuals. The origin of the virus has nothing to do with the current spread. There is no reason to avoid certain ethnicities for fear of the virus. 

How Does it Spread?

The virus is spread through respiratory droplets. These droplets come out when you cough or sneeze without covering your mouth. They can infect someone up to 6 foot away. An infected person can also leave these droplets behind on a surface. If a healthy person touches the infected surface and then touches their face, they can become infected. 

How Can I Protect Myself Against COVID-19?

The best way to protect yourself against the virus is to practice good hand hygiene, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and practice social distancing. Stay home unless you absolutely have to go out. If you do have to go out, keep 6 foot between you and other people whenever possible. Avoid touching your face, especially in public. 

Who is Considered High Risk?

Elderly, immunocompromised, and people with underlying health conditions are at the highest risk of Covid-19. Young, healthy people may be exposed to the virus but never show symptoms. If they do have symptoms, they’re usually milder. 

What Are COVID-19 Symptoms?

COVID-19 symptoms include coughing, difficulty breathing, and a fever. These can be symptoms of the flu too, but the flu comes with gastrointestinal symptoms and coronavirus does not. 

If you have more questions regarding coronavirus, visit or contact a local healthcare provider! Additionally, AFC Urgent Care Swampscott is here to provide new information about COVID-19 and keep our local communities safe! 


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