What should I know about flu shots?

October 9, 2020


Flu season is right around the corner and year after year health experts urge people to get their flu vaccine. Unfortunately, not everyone gets vaccinated. If you’re somebody who hasn’t gotten vaccinated in the past or if you’re on the fence about getting vaccinated, it’s important to know the facts surrounding the vaccine. The CDC has a full breakdown of the vaccine here, but let’s discuss some of the key facts you should know! 

The Vaccine is Highly Effective

Getting your flu vaccine doesn’t just lower your risk of getting the flu by a little bit. The flu vaccine is over 80% effective at preventing the flu – those are pretty good odds! The vaccine is also effective at making the flu shorter and milder if you do get it after being vaccinated. That means less time away from work and school and more time feeling like yourself! 

Almost Anyone Can Get it

The flu vaccine is approved for anyone over 6 months of age. There are multiple versions of the vaccine available for those with allergies, women who are pregnant, and people over the age of 65. There’s even a nasal spray version of the vaccine available for those who would rather not get a shot. 

It’s Free! (Usually) 

The flu vaccine is covered in full by most major insurance companies. This is because it’s cheaper for them to pay for your vaccination than to pay for a flu related hospitalization! Your insurance company will pay for a flu vaccine each year, starting when the vaccine becomes available in the early fall season. Even if you don’t have insurance, the flu shot is very low cost at an urgent care center or walk-in clinic. Low income families on government assisted health insurance plans also qualify for a free flu vaccine. 

Getting Vaccinated is Quick and Easy 

Getting your flu vaccine is too easy not to do it! You can go to an urgent care center or walk-in clinic whenever it’s convenient for you, no appointment necessary, and get your flu vaccine. The entire process is very quick. When you’re done, there are typically no side effects. Very few patients report mild headache, chills, and injection site redness for 1-3 days following their vaccine. If you have concerns about pre-existing conditions or allergies that would require a special version of the vaccine, simply call the urgent care center to make sure they have the right vaccine for you available. 

Flu vaccines are available now and the sooner you get yours the better! Contact a local urgent care center or walk-in clinic today for more information.


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