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School, Sports, & Camp Physicals
In order to participate in organized sport in middle school, high school and summer camps, a physical exam by a qualified medical health professional by be required. Over the years, hundreds of parents have chosen AFC Urgent Care Swampscott to complete their children’s physical exams for participating in such activities. We provide the benefit of offering these physicals on a walk-in-basis without any prior appointments. We are also open late and on weekends to better accommodate your schedule. So if your family doctor is over booked, you can simply walk-in to our clinic and be done with these physicals in no time.
Before performing the tests, a physician may ask for a complete medical history and any current conditions. This information should be provided by both the participant and parents. The physical exam components may include:
Height and weight
Eyes, ears, nose, throat
Neurologic (if the athlete suffered from concussions in the past)
If you have a child going to camp or young athlete in need of a PPE (Pre-Participation Physical Health Exam), you can visit our AFC Urgent Care Swampscott facilities, no appointment needed. For more information regarding our services, contact us at (781) 691-9366.
AFC offers some of the lowest wait times around, with many patients getting in to see a provider in less than 15 minutes. Your exam will probably take around a half hour.
We’ll complete your paperwork as required, but if it’s something we can help with we might be able to provide you with treatment on the spot. With in-house labs at many locations, you could be on your way without the need for a second visit.