AFC Temple COVID-19 Testing And Pricing

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COVID-19 Testing And Pricing in Temple at AFC Urgent Care

Please review the following information. After reviewing, if you choose to make an appointment for testing, please call our office so that we can further verify availability of supplies and appointments.


If you are ONLY being seen for COVID-19 screening, the cost of the rapid test is $150.

  • This does not include evaluation or management results by a physician.
  • You cannot choose this option if you are having any symptoms.
  • You cannot choose this option if you have had direct contact with someone known or suspected to have COVID-19 (direct contact is defined as being within 6 feet of the person for 15 or minutes or more).
  • You cannot use your insurance for “screening only" because insurance companies do not consider this to be diagnostic, and therefore is not a covered service.
  • If you test “positive" and then want to see the physician, you will be responsible for an additional $100, for a total price of $250, certain exceptions to this listed below.

If you are having symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have had direct contact with someone known or suspected to have COVID-19 the price without any insurance is $250.

  • Government payers such as Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare, as well as some commercial insurance plans are currently waiving all patient cost sharing (including copays, coinsurance and deductibles) for visits related to COVID-19. For these insurance companies, the cost to the patient is $0.
  • If your insurance does not cover our rapid COVID testing, you may either;
    • Proceed as cash pay, no portion of the visit will be billed to your insurance. The cost to the patient is $250. This includes a rapid COVID test, as well as evaluation and management by our Providers. Or,
    • Use your insurance with the understanding that you will not received the rapid testing. You may still receive the antibody (non-rapid) testing, if ordered by the physician. Either way, you will be seen with cost sharing waived (including coinsurance, copays, deductible). The cost to the patient is $0.
  • If you are cash pay (or choosing not to use insurance), the cost to the patient is $250. This includes an office visit, as well as either a rapid COVID test, or an antibody test. If both tests are ordered, there is an additional $50 fee.

Please note, we are not a Hawaii testing site.

Because visits for COVID testing are limited by the supplies available to us, please call our office to schedule an appointment for your visit and/or testing at (254)295-0117.

Patient’s experiencing symptoms will be evaluated in a telemed visit and any testing will be scheduled and performed at our office in Temple, TX.

The information on this page was last updated 12/21/2020 and is subject to be changed without notice, at any time. Please call us if you have any questions about the information provided above.

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