Can a Cold Turn Into Pneumonia?

February 14, 2024

No one wants to get sick. When you catch a serious illness such as Pneumonia, your recovery time will be longer than a common cold. As a result, it is important to take the necessary steps to prevent Pneumonia and know the early symptoms of Pneumonia so that you can get the care that you need before your symptoms worsen. If you’re in need of rapid illness care, look no further than AFC Urgent Care Thornton. AFC Urgent Care Thornton offers patients in Thornton, CO, and the surrounding communities with rapid same-day illness diagnosis and treatment all without the need to schedule an appointment in advance. Simply walk into the clinic when it’s convenient for you, or reserve your spot online.

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What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a respiratory illness caused by a bacterial infection. It affects your lungs by causing the airsaks in your lungs to fill up with fluid. This can cause it to be difficult to breathe, because your body is not able to absorb as much oxygen and your lungs are irritated.

Pneumonia is a serious condition that requires medical care for treatment. It can be life threatening if not treated properly, even for healthy adults. Pneumonia can affect anyone, but those who are immunocompromised, elderly, under the age of 5 or have underlying lung conditions are especially at risk for complications due to Pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia often starts with mild symptoms that progressively worsen over time. This can make it difficult to diagnose early on. If you are experiencing mild illness symptoms, you may think that you just have a cold. However, Pneumonia symptoms can progress quickly, making it important to identify early so that you can get the required treatment before symptoms worsen.

Pneumonia symptoms include:

  • A cough that produces discolored mucus
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Body aches
  • Trouble breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chest pain while breathing or coughing

Can a Mild Illness Progress Into Pneumonia?

Like many illnesses, you can catch Pneumonia by coming into contact with someone who has Pneumonia. Many times, delaying medical care can result in you spreading your illness to others before you know you have Pneumonia. Sharing drinks and food is a common way that Pneumonia spreads, but it can also spread through the air and you can pick up the bacteria on surfaces like door handles.

In some cases, pneumonia can develop when you are sick with another infection. Even mild illnesses like colds can lead to Pneumonia. This is because viral infections like colds can weaken your immune system, which can make you more susceptible to getting Pneumonia. This is especially true if you try to ‘power through’ your symptoms and do not get enough rest while you are sick.

Get Rapid Illness Diagnosis & Treatment Near Thornton, CO By Visiting AFC Urgent Care Thornton

If you’re feeling sick, the easiest way to ensure that you don’t need medical treatment is to seek diagnostic testing by a medical professional. This can help you rule out the presence of serious illnesses like Pneumonia, as well as catch illnesses early so that you can begin treatment before symptoms worsen.

At AFC Urgent Care Thornton, we offer same-day illness diagnosis and treatment services daily in our walk-in clinic. We never require that you schedule an appointment to get prompt medical care, simply walk into the clinic when it’s convenient for you. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer short wait times. For additional information, contact the clinic directly by calling (720) 751-2910.

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