How Do I Know If I Have Strep Throat?

November 17, 2022

Strep throat is a common and contagious infection that can affect people of all ages. The symptoms can feel similar to a sore throat or a common cold, which can make it difficult to diagnose the condition on your own. However, if left untreated, strep throat can cause serious complications and leave you feeling unwell for weeks.

If you’ve been suffering from a lingering sore throat and suspect you might have strep, come visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Thornton. We can accurately test for strep throat and prescribe antibiotics to help you receive much needed symptom relief, with no appointment necessary.

What is strep throat caused by?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is caused by group A Streptococcus. This is a type of bacteria that affects your throat and tonsils. One way to understand the difference between just a sore throat and strep is by knowing the root cause of the illnesses. Although they can have some very similar symptoms, a sore throat is typically caused by a viral infection, not bacterial. This means that the treatment options for both conditions are different.

Both illnesses can cause severe pain and discomfort in the throat. Knowing the difference between strep throat and a sore throat can better reduce your risk for potential complications. It’s important to have your symptoms medically diagnosed, in order to follow the proper treatment regimen.

What are the symptoms of strep throat?

As mentioned, the primary symptom of strep is a sore throat. However, there are other symptoms that indicate your illness is more than just a common cold. One way to distinguish your condition as strep is whether or not you have a cough. In most cases, if you have a sore throat and no cough then you’ve been infected with strep.

The common symptoms of strep throat include:

  • Pain when swallowing
  • Fever
  • Swollen tonsils
  • White patches on the tonsils or back of the throat
  • Throat soreness without cough
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ear infection
  • Headache
  • Body aches

If you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms, you should get tested for strep throat. The medical providers at AFC Thornton can accurately diagnose strep and discuss treatment options with you.

How can I treat strep throat quickly?

Once strep throat has been diagnosed, there are treatment options available to help you feel better fast. The symptoms are uncomfortable and painful, so it’s important to seek medical attention at an urgent care clinic to find quick symptom relief. Since strep throat is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are effective at treating the illness. Oral antibiotics can rid the bacteria in your throat and tonsils, allowing your symptoms to improve within two days of taking antibiotics.

Keep in mind that antibiotics are most effective when taken within 48 hours from when your symptoms start, so it’s essential to seek quick and convenient urgent care at AFC Thornton. Additionally, patients with strep throat can take over-the-counter medicines, drink a lot of water, get plenty of rest, and try gargling with salt water to reduce inflammation at home.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Thornton for Strep Throat Treatment

AFC Thornton is equipped with experienced medical providers and state-of-the-art labs that can help patients find quick symptom relief from strep throat. Our providers specialize in diagnosing and treating many different general illnesses and medical conditions. If your strep test comes back positive, we can treat the illness quickly to reduce the risk for any potential complications and lingering symptoms. If you have any additional questions about strep throat treatment, or other urgent care services we provide, please call us directly at (720) 751-2910.

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