Reasons Why You May Be Suffering From Regular Headaches

March 7, 2024

For some, headaches are an unfortunate part of any daily routine. Although headaches do not affect everyone, they are a very common ailment that many deal with. Surprisingly, the exact cause of headaches is vastly under researched. Medical professionals are unsure of the exact cause of headaches and have not come to a consensus on the best way to treat them. If you’re someone who suffers from headaches, there are a few common factors which could be contributing to your headaches. Keep reading to learn more about potential causes of headaches. Visit AFC Urgent Care Thornton for same-day illness symptom diagnosis & treatment in Thornton, CO.

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What Causes Headaches

There are various factors which can lead to a headache developing. Although these factors are commonly considered things that could cause you to get a headache, if you regularly suffer from headaches you should seek medical care for evaluation and treatment. In some cases, these contributing factors can be avoided with simple lifestyle changes.


We have all listened to the lecture on the importance of staying hydrated. Our bodies are mostly made up of water, meaning that depleting your water content and not properly replenishing it could have disastrous consequences. One of the first signs of dehydration is getting a headache. Without proper hydration, our organs begin to shrivel and prune up, similar to your fingers when you spend too much time in a pool. This can cause a nasty headache, however, headaches due to dehydration are almost completely preventable. Always ensure that you hydrate before and after strenuous exercise. This is especially important if you live in a warm climate.


Caffeine has long been known to cause headaches. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee can dehydrate you, expediting a headache. Caffeine intake causes headaches due to it constricting your blood vessels. This includes the blood vessels in your brain, which can lead to your blood vessels constricting your brain and causing pain.

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a massive contributor to cases of headaches. When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain doesn’t have enough time to reset and rest. As a result, it can become overwhelmed with less productive neural pathways. This confusion and exhaustion can lead your brain to hurt as a result of being tired. Similarly, if you sleep in a weird position, neck pain can cause you to carry tension through the base of your head which can constrict your brain and lead to a headache.


Unfortunately, sometimes headaches are completely unavoidable. Medical research has suggested that getting regular headaches and even migraines can be a genetic trait. As a result, if your family members get a lot of headaches, you likely will also get headaches at some point in your life. In order to reduce your risk, you should take the common contributors of headaches mentioned above and make lifestyle changes to ensure that you are being proactive at avoiding headaches.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Thornton for Illness Symptom Treatment and Wellness Care

Headaches are a very common condition that many people experience at some point in their lives. There are various factors which can increase your risk of developing a headache. It is important to take steps to keep your body properly fueled to help ensure that you do not develop a headache. If you suddenly are experiencing a headache, the medical professionals at AFC Urgent Care Thornton can provide guidance on lifestyle choices that may help lessen your risk of developing headaches moving forward - all on a walk-in basis.

Headaches can sometimes be a sign of an illness. Visit AFC Urgent Care Thornton if you are experiencing sudden headaches. In some cases, there are medications that may be able to offer anyone chronically experiencing headaches. To learn about your eligibility, speak to your healthcare provider. The medical providers at AFC Urgent Care Thornton are fully board-certified and able to provide wellness guidance for patients suffering from regular headaches in our walk-in clinic. Walk into the clinic today, or schedule an appointment online. Our clinic accepts most major medical insurance plans and offers cost-effective care.

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