When Should You Get a Flu Shot?

September 9, 2021

Millions of Americans catch the flu each flu season. Receiving a flu shot can drastically decrease the severity of symptoms and help protect those who are at risk of complications. AFC Urgent Care Toms River provides flu shots to all patients who want one. You can protect yourself and others from severe symptoms and potential hospitalization by receiving an annual flu shot. Learn more about all of the patient services we provide and visit our ...

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Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical?

September 8, 2021

Physical exams are designed to ensure patients can meet certain physical needs of an activity. Sports physicals can help keep your child and other athletes safe and healthy. AFC Urgent Care Toms River provides comprehensive sports physicals for all students. You do not need an appointment and can walk in any time. Our providers are trained to give all patients the best care possible for all urgent care needs. Why does my child need a ...

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How Employers Can Prevent Covid-19

September 8, 2021

In the work environment, employers and employees need to take the prevention of COVID-19 transmission in their “return to work” considerations. These safety measures are essential to keep everyone at work safe. Therefore, safety standards should be normalized at work to keep everyone protected, healthy, and safe. Here are some tips for employers to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace 1. Opt for remote work or shifts. If you can keep your workers away from the ...

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Why Could There Be A Second Wave Of Covid-19 During The Fall Season?

September 8, 2021

Recent records of the Covid trend report more and more cases in the United States everyday. While this may not be what we hoped for in the third quarter of the year, experts suggest that various complications could lead to a second wave of COVID-19 cases. The current surge is associated with the Delta variant of Covid. Unfortunately, this new variant is reported to spread faster than other strains of the virus. With the rise ...

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