Does Cold Weather Affect My Health?

December 30, 2022

Does Cold Weather Affect My Health?

The temperatures are dropping, and the cold weather can have a big impact on your health. Anytime the weather gets cold there is an increased risk of health problems that can be caused by the cold or by activities associated with the cold like shoveling snow or walking outside in below freezing temperatures.

Potential Health Issues

Even though colder temperatures don’t cause the flu or colds people do tend to get colds and the flu more often when it’s cold. In addition the increased risk of getting a cold or the flu the cold weather can also contribute to health issues like:

  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Hypothermia
  • Broken bones from falls on slippery surfaces
  • Sprains and strains from falls on slippery surfaces
  • Dry skin
  • Asthma attacks and respiratory problems

With some careful planning and a focus on prevention you can avoid a lot of the health problem that are caused by cold weather.

How To Prevent Cold Weather Illnesses

The number one thing that you can do to prevent catching colds or the flu is wash your hands frequently. With soap. Make sure that you wash your hands often throughout the day. You should also be wearing a mask if you’re going to be indoors and trying to stay at least six feet away from other people.

When it comes to preventing falls, sprains, and strains the best thing that you can do is to wear heavy duty boots with thick tread that will help you avoid slipping on the ice and snow. Invest in a good pair of boots as well as a good hat and thick gloves. Any part of the body that is exposed to below freezing temperatures is at risk for frost bite so cover up when you go outside in the cold even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. Wear a hat, gloves, a scarf, and several thick layers of clothing.

A humidifier indoors can help with dry skin and with respiratory problems. Breathing can be more difficult when the air is dry so using a cold mist humidifier in your home is a good idea, especially in  your bedroom at night.

There is an increased risk of having a heart attack when you’re exerting yourself in the cold weather, like when you’re shoveling snow. To lower that risk warm up physically before going out to shovel or better yet get a snowblower or a plowing service.

Treatment Options

In most cases colds and the flu just need to run their course. Viral illnesses can’t be treated with medication. If you develop a bacterial infection like pneumonia antibiotics may help. For sprains, strains, and breaks you will need to see a doctor who will order X-rays or a CT scan and possibly refer you for surgery or physical therapy if the injury is bad. If you experience hypothermia a doctor can help safely bring your body temperature back up and treat any affected body parts.

When To Go To Urgent Care

Winter illnesses and injuries happen to everyone, but if you are in a lot of pain after a fall or shoveling snow you should go to urgent care right away. Don’t wait. If you have a cough, a cold, a sore throat, or other illness that doesn’t seem to be getting better the doctors at urgent care can take a look to see if there’s any medication that will help you get better faster.

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