How to Sleep Better at Night

December 30, 2022

How to Sleep Better at Night

If you’re struggling to get enough sleep or to get restful sleep at night you’re not alone. Most people struggle with sleep problems at one point or another. But chronic sleep deprivation can have a major impact on your health like increasing your risk of developing heart disease. Not getting enough sleep can also lead to things like weight gain, fatigue, confusion, and irritability.

Home Remedies For Better Sleep

If you are having trouble sleeping most nights of the week there are some home remedies that you can try to fall asleep faster and stay asleep like:

Cool The Bedroom Down

Did you know that the best temperature for falling asleep is around 66 degrees? It’s true. Keeping your bedroom cool at night can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. For most people the perfect sleeping temperature is between 65-67. Try turning the thermostat down when you go to bed and see if that makes a difference in the quality of your sleep.

Play White Noise Or Gentle Music

Soft background noise can sometimes help eliminate sleep issues. A white noise machine emits a very soft stream of noise that many people find very soothing. You can also use an air purifier at night which will help get rid of any allergens in the air while creating some soothing white noise. Gentle music or soundscapes can be a good choice too, but if you choose music make sure the music is soft and not stimulating.

Take A Bath

A hot bath with lavender or chamomile about half an hour before bed can send soothing signals to your brain and tell your brain it’s time to wind down for the night. A hot shower can have the same effect for some people so if you’re not a bath person try a hot shower but use a lavender or chamomile soap. Hanging some eucalyptus in the shower can also be relaxing.

No Pets In Bed

Pets are great, but if you’re having trouble sleeping your pet could be causing a lot of disruption of your sleep. Many pet owners find that their pets interrupt their sleep. If you don’t want to lock your pet out of the bedroom get them their own bed on the floor next to yours so they’re not in bed with you.

Insomnia Diagnosis And Treatment

 If you’re experiencing chronic insomnia talking to a doctor about your inability to sleep is the first step in getting treatment. A doctor will give you a physical exam to see if there’s a medical reason you can’t sleep. Then if necessary they may go over your sleeping habits and patterns and possibly order a sleep study to dig further into what is causing your insomnia.

How Urgent Care Can Help

Urgent care can connect you with a doctor who can help you with insomnia right away. And since urgent care is open late if you’re getting anxious or stressed out at not being able to sleep you won’t have to wait very long if at all to talk to a doctor at urgent care.

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