Treating Minor Sports Injuries

April 27, 2022

Injuries during sporting events are not unusual, especially if you are actively involved. If you are getting into sports, the probability of sustaining an injury is high because your body is engaging in something new. So, it’s normal to have strains or sprains during a football game or on the tennis court. It is part of your development. Luckily, there are things you can do to get over minor sports injuries in no time.

AFC Urgent Care Toms River is available to treat any injuries that may have resulted in a broken bone or sprain. If you have a cut that needs stitches, visit our center for treatment.

Common Signs of Minor Sport Injuries

Sports injuries can be minor or major. If severe, you will notice immediately because the signs are apparent. When that happens, the player won’t be able to continue with the game. However, minor injuries show signs, but players can still manage to play. The signs include:

  • Bruise
  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Swollen part
  • Cramps

Ideal Treatment for Minor Sport Injuries

Across all sporting events, organizers and participating teams usually ensure that medical teams are available to treat injured players. However, for unofficial events, especially street competitions, Ice is usually available for players to place on the affected body part. But Ice shouldn’t be the first option, according to fitness experts.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin introduced P.R.I.C.E. as the standard treatment for soft tissue injuries. However, coaches have been using R.I.C.E. before the introduction. It was revealed that the first two letters in R.I.C.E. are effective for pain reduction but not for quick recovery. That is because healing requires inflammation, and Ice reduces it, extending the healing process.

The Acronym implies Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It works fine for mild sports injuries. Practicing P.R.I.C.E within 24 hours of getting the injury reduces the pressure and pain that comes with it.

Other Ways to Treat Minor Sports Injuries

Over-the-counter medications also help in alleviating pains from mild sports injuries. However, combining it with standard treatment is advisable to make the healing process faster. The following medications are suitable for quick recovery:

  • Pain reliever
  • Cortisone-type drugs
  • Immune suppressants

It is vital to be conversant with how your body reacts to treatment. That will help select the best treatment for the injury. We meant here that it does not necessarily have to be about Ice and paracetamol if you know what works for you. The goal is to reduce pain and heal as soon as possible. That is achievable if you can strike a balance between inflammation and pain. Once it becomes bearable, healing will happen naturally without further medication.


If you prevent sports injuries, use the proper techniques during sports events. Don’t stress it, and make things happen naturally it avoid strain. When you feel exhausted, slow down when you have the opportunity to do so. Amateurs and starters are usually the people that suffer mild sports injuries. Whatever the case may be, the treatments above can help you return to the pitch within a short time.

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