When Should You Get a Flu Shot?

September 9, 2021

Millions of Americans catch the flu each flu season. Receiving a flu shot can drastically decrease the severity of symptoms and help protect those who are at risk of complications. AFC Urgent Care Toms River provides flu shots to all patients who want one. You can protect yourself and others from severe symptoms and potential hospitalization by receiving an annual flu shot. Learn more about all of the patient services we provide and visit our center today.

What is the flu?

The flu is a respiratory illness that is caused by the influenza virus. The flu is contagious and is spread by tiny droplets made when people sneeze, cough, or talk. Certain symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they often come on suddenly. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Typical flu symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Children may experience vomiting or diarrhea

When is flu season?

The fall and winter months are considered “flu season.” This time of year has the highest number of cases than any other season. Flu season often begins in October and can run until May. December and February have historically shown peak times for cases.


The common cold and RSV often circulate during flu season as well. These symptoms are often less severe than the flu and can be managed with at-home care.

How long is the flu shot effective?

The CDC recommends for everyone 6 months and older to receive a flu shot. Antibodies take two weeks to develop in order to provide proper immunity to the flu. With this in mind, the CDC recommends receiving a flu shot by the end of October. This will ensure protection throughout the duration of flu season (about 6 months).


Children, those over the age of 65, and those who are immunocompromised should receive their flu shots in September. Additionally, pregnant women who are in the third trimester of their pregnancy should receive the flu shot. This can help pass antibodies to the infant before they’re born, which can provide protection until they’re six months of age.


Receive a flu shot at AFC Toms River

The flu shot is an essential way for our communities to stay safe. Not only does it protect you from severe symptoms, but it can protect the spread of the flu as well. The well-being of our community is AFC Urgent Care Toms River’s number one priority. Receive your flu shot today.


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