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American Diabetes Month: Diabetes Prevention, Awareness and Support.

November 7, 2022

AFC Urgent Care Torrington talks about diabetes awareness, support and prevention

November is American Diabetes Month and the perfect time to get involved with initiatives aimed at raising awareness of this chronic condition. 

People living with diabetes have to manage their disease every day, monitoring their blood glucose levels and following a strict diet. But what if you could help them ease that burden? 

Imagine if your actions could make things easier for those who struggle with constant monitoring and counting their carbs. Wouldn’t that be awesome? That’s why AFC Urgent Care Torrington is encouraging everyone to get checked for diabetes before and after the holiday season.

  1. Quick Facts on Recent Diabetes Reports

Diabetes numbers rise every year! In the most recent study on Diabetes in the United States from the CDC show that:

  • 30.3 million people have diabetes (!)
  • 84.1 million adults aged 18 years or older have prediabetes (approximately one third of the U.S population)
  • 23.1 million adults aged 65 years or older have prediabetes

Looking at these numbers can be alarming, especially for the population who suffer from prediabetes. Pre diabetics have elevated blood sugar levels, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. You or your loved ones may fit the population of be.  Diabetes can affect anyone at any age. 

  1. Know The Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be at risk for developing prediabetes and one of the few types of diabetes. 

Symptoms of diabetes

  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet or hands
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Unexplained weight loss

Risks for diabetes

  • Have prediabetes
  • Are overweight
  • Are 45 years or older
  • Have a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes
  • Are physically active less than 3 times a week
  • Have ever had gestational diabetes or given birth to a baby who weighed more than 9 pounds
  • Have high blood pressure or take medicine for high blood pressure
  • Have high cholesterol blood levels
  1. Diabetes can onset other health complications and conditions!

This year's National Diabetes Awareness Month's main focus is on the link between the disease and cardiovascular disease. Having diabetes raises your risk for developing other dangerous conditions such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke 
  • Kidney disease 
  • Nerve damage
  • Eye problems

Your lifestyle can say a lot about your physical health. For instance, if you smoke, you’re increasing your risk of developing one or more of these other health complications. This is because smoking narrows blood vessels, which makes it harder for your heart to function as it should. 

  1. Pregnancy may put you and your baby at risk for gestational diabetes

Gestational Diabetes can affect both the mother and child during and after pregnancy. During the final trimester a woman is at risk of developing gestational diabetes due to an increase in hormones. It’s important during this time to make sure you protect your newborn from developing diabetes by managing it with a doctor beforehand. If you do get gestational diabetes you still have a chance to prevent yourself from developing type 2 diabetes down the road. In addition, protecting your child now can prevent them from developing diabetes early on in their lives as well.

AFC Urgent Care Torrington Can Help Screen You For Diabetes

AFC Urgent Care Torrington hopes this Diabetes Awareness Month encourages more people to get their blood sugar levels checked while taking the necessary steps to reduce their risk of getting full blown diabetes. Our doors are open 7 days a week for walk-in visits and appointments. We can do a routine check up and blood work to check your blood sugar levels any day of the week

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