Is It Normal For Tick Bites To Be Itchy?

May 8, 2024

Summer is almost here which means tick season is upon us. Ticks can latch onto our skin when we least expect it, leaving behind bite marks that can cause a moderate amount of discomfort. With the risk of tick-borne illnesses, it’s important to be aware of any potential signs. So, is it normal for tick bites to itch? In this blog, we’ll delve into this common question and explore what you need to ...

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When To Seek Urgent Care For Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

May 5, 2024

As the seasons change and new plants begin to bloom, many of us begin to suffer from seasonal allergies. This time of year can bring about sneezing fits, irritated eyes, and a range of symptoms that contribute to overall discomfort. While some allergies can be managed at home, there are instances when symptoms become severe enough to warrant a visit to urgent care. Knowing when to seek medical attention for seasonal allergy symptoms can make ...

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