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Can the Common Cold Give You Chills?

February 1, 2024

The common cold, as it’s accurately named, is a common viral infection that happens to be very contagious. It affects millions of people every year and its symptoms include a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and coughing. But can a cold cause chills? In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between a common cold and chills, as well as explain various treatment methods.

For same-day cold and flu treatment, visit the walk-in clinic at AFC Urgent Care Union City. We provide care to all patients on a walk-in basis seven days a week. Just stop by at your convenience!

The Connection Between a Cold and Chills

When you get a common cold, your immune system starts to fight off the cold virus and that releases the chemicals called pyrogens that cause a high temperature and induce fever. Because of this action, the body experiences chills. You may also feel a cold sensation when your immune system’s response causes blood vessels to dilate and supply more blood to the affected area. Chills are a common symptom of fever often caused by a cold. It happens when your muscles generate heat by quickly contracting and relaxing when your body is cold. When a person gets the ‘chills’, they get colder and start to shiver. But not everyone with a cold gets the chills.

Symptoms Of Chills

Chills themselves are a symptom of a common cold and a potential fever, but some symptoms often precede chills. These symptoms include:

  • Discomfort and Restlessness
  • Dehydration
  • Worse cold symptoms
  • Complications like sinus infections, ear infections, or even pneumonia (usually in persons with weaker immune systems)

How To Treat Chills and Common Cold

Chills mean your cold is getting worse but of course, there are remedies for treating both chills and the cold that started it. Here are some things you can do on your own to relieve the symptoms of chills and cold:

  1. Keep Yourself Warm: This one is a no-brainer. The opposite of cold is hot or at least warm. Exposing yourself to more cold will only make you feel worse. Wear thick clothing, turn off the AC, and turn up the heat– a warm body fights cold and chills better.
  2. Stay Hydrated As Much As Possible: Hydration supports the immune system in fighting colds and chills and also helps you feel better generally. So drink a lot of fluids, tea, water, soup, and even fruit juices, and steer clear of alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
  3. Take Time To Rest: A well-rested body heals faster. Don’t stress yourself when you have a cold or chills. If you can, take some time off work to let your body heal.
  4. Get Safe Over-the-Counter Medications: Some over-the-counter medicine like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help relieve cold symptoms and prevent a fever. Just make sure you use the right dosage.
  5. Home Remedies: You can also do some home remedies like gargling with warm saltwater or using a humidifier to relieve symptoms like sore throat and congestion.

Get Same-Day Treatment at AFC Urgent Care Union City

The common cold is typically a minor illness that doesn’t always require medical intervention. However, be sure to keep an eye on the symptoms so they don’t grow worse. If the symptoms worsen. Contact a healthcare professional if you experience a high fever, severe symptoms, or difficulty breathing. AFC Urgent Care Union City provides walk-in general illness treatment– meaning no appointment is required for a medical consultation. Our urgent care center is open seven days a week, so you can stop by when it’s convenient for you! If you have any additional questions about the services we provide, please call us directly at (551) 257-1948.

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