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Is My Sore Throat COVID-19 Or Strep Throat?

January 28, 2022

Is My Sore Throat COVID-19 Or Strep Throat? AFC Urgent Care Vernon Treats Sore Throats, And Can Test You For COVID-19


Have a sore throat? Don’t automatically assume it’s sore COVID-19. Unfortunately,  COVID is not the only illness going around this winter. We’re actually seeing more patients coming in for sore throats from all sorts of sources. 

Strep throat is very common in the colder months and is also highly contagious,  if you sneeze, cough or share things with others. It is also very common among children, especially when in environments like schools where germs can easily spread. 

“But, is my sore throat from COVID-19 or Strep?” is the real question you’re probably wondering. AFC Urgent Care Vernon understands the confusion between the two and is here to help you differentiate between them.

Is Strep Throat a Symptom Of COVID-19?

Absolutely not. Strep throat is actually a separate infection caused by bacteria called “Streptococcal pharyngitis”. It may have similar symptoms like a painful, sore and scratchy throat, but there are some differences to point out.

Symptoms of Strep Throat include:

  • Red, sore throat with white patches on throat and tongue
  • Sudden fever
  • Chills
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swollen glands in the neck
  • Fatigue

Strep mainly infects the throat and tonsils. On the other hand, COVID-19 is a viral infection and often comes with respiratory symptoms. 

If you have a sore throat and these respiratory symptoms, then there’s a good chance it could be COVID-19:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Congestion
  • New loss of smell and/or taste

Don’t rule out colds and flu either! 

 If you’re confused about the differences between colds, flu and COVID-19, you can take a look here.

Your best bet is to get evaluated and tested to rule out each illness.

My Strep Keeps Coming Back! What Do I Do?

Possible reasons of recurring strep are:

  1. Not taking ALL of your antibiotics! Some patients will stop taking their medication after they start feeling better. This is a huge mistake. Don’t give the bacteria a chance to develop a resistance to your medication. Knock it out by completing your medication cycle.
  2. (Believe it or not) poor dental hygiene – After a strep diagnosis (or any contagious illness!) you should toss out your toothbrush for a new one. But that alone might not be good enough. Children are notorious for recurring strep throat because of interactions at school. Make sure your child is washing their hands regularly and avoiding putting things in their mouths.

Get Tested For Strep At AFC Urgent Care Vernon

“I tested negative for COVID-19, but positive for strep!”

AFC Urgent Care Vernon highly suggests coming in and getting tested and ruling out each illness. We also highly suggest getting vaccinated for the flu (since that’s also going around) and getting vaccinated for COVID-19 as this is what’s keeping people out of the hospital right now. 

AFC Urgent Care Vernon is here for you 7 days a week and can perform PCR, back to work Antigen tests and Rapid molecular tests for COVID-19. We also have a rapid test for strep making it easier to get that done too. Knowing your results can help you start a treatment plan for strep. Again we highly suggest completing your prescription so that you can knock out the bacteria growing in your throat. 

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