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5 Things Every Parent Should Know About RSV

December 30, 2022

5 Things Every Parent Should Know About RSV

Parents may be hearing a lot about RSV right now because there is a lot of RSV going around. RSV is highly contagious and it can be serious, especially for young children. RSV is respiratory syncytial virus, an airborne virus that spreads quickly. It causes infection in the lungs and respiratory passages. Adults can catch RSV also but it’s much more common and much more damaging in children.

Symptoms of RSV

The severity of the symptoms of RSV vary. In some children RSV may seem like a cold, but the symptoms will linger much longer than the symptoms of a cold. Other children may have severe symptoms right from the start. The most common symptoms of RSV in children are:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Congestion
  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Rapid breathing or inability to catch their breath
  • Blue lips or blue discoloration of the skin which is caused by a lack of oxygen

If your child is having breathing, or coughing so hard they are in pain, or if they have a fever over 100 degrees get them to urgent care right away. Don’t wait to see if the symptoms get better.

Important Things For Parents To Know About RSV

The most important things for parents to know about RSV are:

It Needs To Be Diagnosed

If your child has a cold that lingers or any of the symptoms listed you should get your child tested for RSV. Because RSV is so contagious if your child has it anyone that your child has been in contact with is at risk. Knowing that your child has RSV will allow you to warn and protect others so that they can potentially avoid getting it. Remember that RSV can be dangerous to small children and children with compromised immune system. Don’t take risks with their health. Get your child tested.

There Is No Medicine To Cure It

RSV is a virus. That means that antibiotics won’t cure it and there’s really no medicine that will get rid of it. It just has to run its course.

 But There Are Ways To Manage It

There are medicines and treatments that can make the symptoms of RSV much less painful, scary, and uncomfortable for children. Cough medicine, supplemental oxygen, and other treatments will make the symptoms much less devastating for children who have severe symptoms.

You Should Be Wearing A Mask Around Your Child

Adults can carry the RSV virus even if they don’t get sick from it. If you suspect that you have been exposed to RSV you should be wearing a mask when you’re around  your child to protect them from RSV.

RSV Can Be Prevented

Like any other virus if you take precautions it’s possible your child won’t get it even if they are exposed to it. Wash your hands often, and have your children wash their hands often. Wear a mask. Social distance when possible. And disinfect toys and books if they have been around children who have the virus.

When To Visit Urgent Care For Testing And Treatment

If your child has a fever higher than 100 you should take them to urgent care. Any time your child has trouble breathing they should be seen by a doctor in urgent care. The doctors in urgent care can test for RSV, give your children any prescription medications they need to help them manage their symptoms like cough medicine, and make sure that symptoms of RSV aren’t going to cause any serious medical issues for your child.


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