What is an Abcess? What should I do for abcess treatment?

December 19, 2019

" Abscess: A swollen area containing accumulation of pus with the body tissues is abscess. It can occur in any tissue however, the most common one is the skin abscess. Cause: The most common cause is the staphylococcal bacteria that enters the body through a wound, injury or hair follicle. Symptoms:  The place around the abscess becomes red, tender and feels warm when touched. Prevention: Keep good hygiene Don’t share the towels, soaps etc. with ...

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What is a UTI?

December 19, 2019

" Bacterial infections can occur in the urinary system including kidney, urethra, bladder ureters is called Urinary tract infection. (UTI). Women are the most vulnerable to the UTI infection due to their anatomy however men can develop UTI as well. The symptoms for UTI includes  Incontinence Burning sensation while attempting to empty the bladder Frequent urge to urinate Cloudy or red urine Discolored or blood in the urine or smelly urine. Not all the above symptoms ...

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What are the causes of my aches and pains?

December 19, 2019

" Aches and Pains: Aches and pains are a common symptom for many conditions and can cause lot of hindrance to our daily activities. They can vary in intensity and frequency and can be intermittent or chronic. Most pains could be categorized into those caused by tissue damage and nerve damage. Common Causes: Some common causes of body aches and pains include: Common Flu  Arthritis Fibromyalgia Vitamin Deficiency Stress Chronic fatigue Insomnia Stress What to Eat ...

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What are some adult vaccinations to consider getting?

December 19, 2019

" It is a common myth that only kids need vaccines. Not only kids but adults also need vaccinations. These vaccinations are available for ages 19 and above. Like all other vaccinations these vaccinations help:   Prevent diseases for adults. The vaccinations that you would have a taken as a child would have worn away   with time. Also, you might need some vaccinations based on one’s age. Important vaccinations: Hepatitis A is a liver infection that ...

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Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

December 19, 2019

" The swollen, inflamed veins in the lower rectum and anus are called Hemorrhoids. These are the result for a straining bowel movements which put extra pressure on the veins Hemorrhoids may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure also during pregnancy among other causes. These are developed under the skin around the anus or may be inside the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids don’t cause discomfort and lie inside the rectum however ...

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What are the main differences between bites and rashes?

December 19, 2019

" A rash is usually a bumpy, itchy red patch of skin that is mostly caused by insect bites. They could appear as hives, Mosquitoes, bees  ticks fleas ticks bedbugs spiders Fire Ants Not all insect bites or stings need medical attention. Most of them go after some initial discomfort while some could be deadly and require immediate medical attention. Staying safe and careful is the best way. Severe Symptoms:  Rashes spreading to other body parts ...

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What Can I Do to Treat an Earache?

December 19, 2019

" An earache is a symptom of an ear infection or a cold. The cause of Ear aches is virus and the symptoms include burning pain or dull or sharp pain that can range from mild to painful. Other causes of earache is the blockage of the narrow tube leading from the middle ear to the back of the throat. This tube is also called the Eustachian tube. The trapped fluids in the Eustachian tube may ...

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What is Athlete’s Foot?

December 11, 2019

" ATHLETE’S FOOT Athlete’s foot, also known scientifically as tinea pedis, is an infection caused by fungus. It is known to most commonly occur to people who get sweaty, while wearing tight shoes, in other words usually athletes. But, it is known to occur to people who do not engage in sports or other such activities.  What Causes Athlete’s Foot? Athlete’s foot is caused by fungi called dermatophytes, which are known generally ...

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