Rapid Testing FAQs for Patients

February 3, 2021

Patients need COVID-19 testing in order to return to work, school, and normal activities as restrictions on businesses open and our communities go back to a “new normal.” Sometimes, a patient may need a faster type of COVID-19 testing than the standard PCR nasal swab if they are going back to work/travel/etc. on a short notice. Luckily, patients can book Rapid COVID-19 testing at AFC Urgent Care Warrington so they can have same-day ...

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What Should I Know About Rapid COVID-19 Testing?

January 21, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a second wave to start of 2021, which means that available testing and vaccinations are crucial to help our community transition to the “new normal.” Vaccinations are going to be scheduled based on age group and specific occupational hierarchy (healthcare providers, first responders, essential workers) so many patients will need to asses their infection risks with COVID-19 testing. The good news for patients is that rapid COVID-19 testing provides ...

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What do we know about the COVID-19 Vaccine?

January 21, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress with more cases rising across Bucks County, PA and other nearby communities. The nation patient awaits as the COVID-19 vaccine slowly rollouts out to the country as public health departments and healthcare providers coordinate vaccination programs. You may have seen recent news articles and information about new vaccinations, but the vaccine process will take some time. In general, the most vulnerable and at-risk groups will get the vaccine first ...

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Safest Ways to Travel for the Holidays This Year

November 22, 2020

Heading home for the holidays is something that people look forward to each year, but unfortunately, 2020 has been anything but typical. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we work, go to school, and even shop for groceries, so it’s reasonable to expect it will impact how we celebrate the holidays too. If you plan on traveling for the holidays this year, keep these safety tips in mind before you start packing a bag ...

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Safe, Low Risk Thanksgiving Recipes and Activities for 2020

November 22, 2020

2020 has been an unusual year to say the least. It would be naïve to expect things to go back to normal just because Thanksgiving is approaching, so it’s necessary to come up with alternate plans. Large celebrations put not just the people in attendance at risk, but also every person those people may come into contact with for 2 weeks following the celebration. When you think about it, that’s a huge number ...

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The Benefits of Getting a Flu Shot as Early as Possible in 2020

September 22, 2020

Waiting until the heart of flu season to remember your flu shot is a mistake that a staggeringly high number of people make each year. Experts say that you should try to get your flu shot at least a month before flu season actually begins, but some are recommending getting it even earlier than that. The benefits of getting an early flu shot this year may just be enough to make you stop into urgent ...

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Why Urgent Care is the Best Place to Get Your Flu Shot in 2020

September 21, 2020

Urgent care centers and walk-in clinics are rising in popularity and vaccinations are no exception. The non-traditional approach to care that you’re able to find at an urgent care or walk-in clinic is something that has attracted patients of all ages for all different medical needs! If you’ve been looking for a way to get your flu shot before peak flu season is here, an urgent care might be just the solution you ...

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How Do I Keep My Younger Kindergarteners and Pre-K Kids Safe This Year?

August 18, 2020

2020 has been a hectic year to say the least. Parents of young children have been having an especially hard time with the pandemic because it’s a difficult thing to explain to children in a way that they can understand. As the school year creeps closer, you’re likely wondering if your young child will be safe in pre-k or kindergarten while a global pandemic is happening. Although it will be challenging, it is ...

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How Can My College Student Stay Safe if Schools Re-Open?

August 18, 2020

When COVID-19 came to the states this year, most colleges cut the year short or finished the year entirely online. While it’s become clear that COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere any time soon, schools are forming a plan for this coming school year. Being a parent to a college student is scary enough without COVID-19, but this year is making parents more nervous than ever. Luckily, there are ways for your college student to ...

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Travel Tips for Patients: COVID-19 Risks

July 9, 2020

COVID-19 cases in the United States have eclipsed nearly 3 million in July of 2020. The virus continues to grow in severity and virality across the country with new surges in the South, Midwest, and Western Coast. With most of the country preparing for a surge in cases during the summer season, patients need to evaluate seasonal travel risks and potentially limit non-essential travel. The summer is a great time to locally explore other events ...

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