What You Should Know About Strep Throat

February 28, 2020

" As winter starts to turn to spring, one of the main upper respiratory illnesses you may still be prone to is strep throat, a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics to fully treat. While a sore throat can be an indicator of several upper respiratory infections, strep throat has symptoms specific to the infection. Learning the symptoms of strep allows you to go to the doctor sooner for treatment. What is strep throat? Strep throat is ...

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Why Is Quality Sleep So Important?

February 19, 2020

" In today’s world, it can seem like we’re always on the go. And all that busy-ness sometimes leads to slacking on sleep. While not getting enough sleep has seemingly become the norm in today’s society, our health is paying the consequences. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Warrington wants to offer some insight into why sleep is important and how to get the sleep you need. How Does Sleep ...

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What is a Sinus Infection?

February 19, 2020

" Your sinuses are cavities located behind your eyes and along your nose, and an infection can form when the tissue around them becomes inflamed. Sinus infections can be painful, with added pressure in your face and head as well as the added hassle of headaches and exhaustion. Learning the symptoms can be critical to getting efficient relief. What causes a sinus infection? Several factors can contribute to the development of a sinus infection, including a ...

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How Does Smoking Affect Your Heart Health?

February 5, 2020

" Most people think that smoking tobacco products like cigarettes or e-vapes only impacts your overall respiratory health. However, this is far from the case since smoking can lead to negative effects on your heart heart. A smoking habit can lead to raised blood pressure, which is the leading cause of stroke! In fact, smoking can negatively impact every part of your body—from your brain and your eyes down to your feet. During American Heart ...

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