Benefits of Telemedicine for Patients

April 1, 2020

Telemedicine, sometimes referred to as telehealth, is one of the fastest growing platforms for patient to get accessible, remote, and affordable urgent care. In fact, telemedicine can provide safe and convenient medical care for patients of all needs.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), telemedicine is defined as the practice of delivering medical care to patients through a remote audio and/or video connection. Unlike telehealth though, telemedicine is specifically when a distant location has infrastructure in place to provide visual and detailed virtual visits for patients. Instead of a simple phone consult, telemedicine ensures that providers can cleary diagnose and define medical needs.

Telemedicine access is rapidly expanding across the U.S as more and more patients need a safe, distant, and effective medical option during the COVID-19 pandemic. But many patients may not understand what telemedicine is and how it works in treating a variety of conditions. That is why AFC Urgent Care Warrington is here to explain the features, capabilities, and procedures for telemedicine:

How does telemedicine work?

Telemedicine works by establishing an internet connection between the provider and the patient. A patient will need a device that has internet connectivity and audio/video features such as a smartphone or laptop. However, providers will work to help patients connect to their visit through any available means. Some telemedicine platforms offer phone support to connect patients.

Once a connection is established, providers then ask patients about their symptoms, medicaitions, current conditions, and other vital information in order to treat patients. Providers can recommend treatments, administer treatment steps, and provide detailed self-care instructions that help patients recover from their ailments and injuries.

Recent telemedicine statistics suggest that patients are very likely to use multiple telemedicine visits while 74% of U.S patients are likely to use a telemedicine visit. As people have more technological conveniences and access, it is more likely that telemedicine becomes and even faster way to get care.

Telemedicine benefits for patients

Any patient that needs remote care for multiple reasons can benefit from the affordability and accessibility of telemedicine. Most major insurance carriers cover telemedicine visits for their beneficiaries and telemedicine allows patients care when they have ongoing conditions or certain vulnerable conditions.

Urgent care is also provided through telemedicine, as AFC Urgent Care Warrington now provides telemedicine urgent care for our patients! With COVID-19 leading to mass quarantine and stay-at-home orders, telemedicine allows patients with ongoing symptoms to get the care they need ASAP! Just call our team in advance to get started!

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