National COPD Awareness Month

November 8, 2022

National COPD Awareness Month

National COPD Month is an awareness campaign that is held in November every year. This campaign was started in 2002 to raise awareness about the disease and its symptoms. 

It’s also a time for people to learn more about COPD and how to manage it.

There are many ways that you can get involved in this campaign. You can volunteer your time at a local hospital or clinic, donate money for research, or even become an advocate for the cause by telling your friends and family about COPD.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that causes long-term breathing problems. 

It is one of the most common lung diseases in the world, which can be fatal.

This lung disease month was launched in 2012 by the American Lung Association as a way to raise awareness of COPD and encourage people to take steps to improve their health.

When is COPD World Day

The COPD world day is November 16th and this year's motto is “Your Lungs For Life”. So November is national COPD awareness month in the USA.

COPD Awareness

COPD is a lung disease commonly seen among smokers that leads to the narrowing of airways. 

COPD can develop gradually or suddenly. It may get worse over time and lead to disability and death.

Earlier there was an emphysema awareness month. But emphysema and chronic bronchitis are two different spectrums of COPD. 

COPD is an umbrella term for the above two chronic lung diseases

Emphysema damages the lungs’ elastic tissue so that it cannot expand as much as it should when you breathe in air. 

Chronic bronchitis refers to inflammation of the large airways in your lungs, which causes them to produce more mucus than usual.

Causes of COPD

A person with COPD has trouble breathing because the airways in their lungs are narrowed and filled with mucus and other substances. 

The airways are very sensitive to things like tobacco smoke, pollution, and cold air, which make it even harder for them to breathe.

COPD occurs as a result of the combination of several factors, including;


-air pollution


-recurrent infections

-Poor lung development

Can COPD be cured?

COPD cannot be cured, but symptoms can be managed with medication, oxygen therapy, and other treatments.

COPD is an incurable disease, but people can still control it.

COPD Complications

The complications of COPD occur due to inflammation and damage to the airways. 

COPD is a chronic lung disease that produces excess mucus in the airways.

There is a high risk of infections and exacerbations which can make it harder for oxygen to reach your lungs.

COPD Symptoms

The symptoms of COPD are related to the damage caused by the inflammation in the lungs. The most common symptoms are:

-Difficulty breathing

-chest tightness or pain

-wheezing or shortness of breath

-coughing up blood

-shortness of breath during physical activity

-fatigue or tiredness

How Does Death Come about In COPD?

There are a few ways COPD can cause death.

-lung infections

-lung cancer

-heart attack

-respiratory failure

-heart failure (Pulmonary hypertension)


Is COPD preventable?

COPD is a progressive lung disease.

The best way to prevent COPD is to avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, reduce air pollution, and limit exposure to dust from air conditioning or heating systems.

The cause of COPD is not fully understood, but it is thought that the risk of developing COPD may be increased by respiratory infections, exposure to certain toxins or pollutants, and smoking. 

The COPD Foundation states that It is not possible to prevent COPD in the general population as it is a chronic condition caused by other factors, including smoking and air pollution. 

However, in this lung disease month, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of developing it, such as quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to air pollution. #November is national COPD awareness month.

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