What do we know about the COVID-19 Vaccine?

January 21, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress with more cases rising across Bucks County, PA and other nearby communities. The nation patient awaits as the COVID-19 vaccine slowly rollouts out to the country as public health departments and healthcare providers coordinate vaccination programs.

You may have seen recent news articles and information about new vaccinations, but the vaccine process will take some time. In general, the most vulnerable and at-risk groups will get the vaccine first and then gradually vaccine essential workers and then the general public. The team at AFC Urgent Care Warrington is here to help patients understand the key facts and information related to vaccine rollout, who is eligible now, and next steps for vaccine procedures.

If patients are conferenced about an active COVID-19 infection, then they should contact our team to book a rapid COVID-19 testing right away. Below are the general FAQs related to the vaccine and when it’s availability will open up:

Who can currently get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Right now, the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health states that there are four current phases for the vaccine rollout. These phases include 1A, 1B, 1C, and and 2. Right now (Jan to Feb 2021) only individuals that qualify for phase 1A can get vaccinated. Here is a breakdown of the phases and when the other phases will begin:

  • 1A: Healthcare personnel, long-term healthcare facility residents, and patients over 65 are the primary target of phase 1A. High-risk patients with chronic diseases can also qualify for vaccinations depending on their location.
  • 1B: First responders, essential workers in agriculture and public service, and residents of certain assisted living facilities are part of phase 1B.
  • 1C: Essential workers in other sectors outside of 1B are included in phase 1C.
  • 2: All patients 16 and over that are part of the general public are included in the final phase of state-wide vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccine Procedures at AFC Urgent Care Warrington

AFC Urgent Care Warrington is not currently accepting pre-registration for the vaccine since we are over-subscribed. As vaccine availability re-opens, our team will let patients know about future vaccination schedules.

We are working with the PA DOH and Bucks County to help administer the vaccine based on the vaccination phases in the state. If you need further information about the vaccination program please visit the DOH and Bucks County websites here:

If you need urgent care, COVID-19 testing, or other preventive healthcare services then please contact AFC Urgent Care Warrington today!

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